
Whats next for the future!

New Information about Upcoming Book Related News

What’s next for the future!

For those of you who follow my blog and their social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram, you all probably wonder, what more exciting news do I have to share? After all I’ve been posting a ton of  Q&A’s lately. (Honestly it has been a dream come true talking to all these authors to which I’m truly grateful about.). Another author Martha Hall Kelly, The New York Times Bestselling author of “The Lilac Girls,” “Lost Roses,” and “The Sunflower Sisters,” has agreed to do a Q&A with me. You will have to wait till April of 2023 till it is written and posted though. Martha Hall Kelly has a new book being published April 17th 2023. I have written about the book she is writing two years going on three the link is here .

 What I did promise Martha Hall Kelly was to not tell anyone the title of her novel coming out due to her not wanting others trying to steal her title. I’m very excited about being able to do a Q&A with her even if I have to wait a little while. This news has me excited! Remain patient everyone more excitement is coming! Happy reading and have a good evening! (Or a good morning depending on what timezone you’re in).