Great Fiction Books for Non-Fiction Readers

Great Fiction Books for Non-Fiction Readers

Are you a non-fiction reader who wants to get into fiction but doesn’t read a whole lot of it? Then you have come to the right place. Here is a list of great fiction books for nonfiction readers. These are books that I reviewed in the past but will make a great list for those looking for something outside of their comfort zone!

Kill Show: A True Crime Story by Daniel Sweren-Becker is in fact NOT a true crime novel. It is a cliched missing teen girl story and Hollywood comes to this small town in Maryland to do a reality show trying to solve the case. It was a great book because there was a mystery behind it, & not only that, it is a commentary on society’s obsession with true crime. Here is the Q&A I did with Daniel Sweren-Becker

The Sicilian Inheritance by Jo Piazza is part mystery, & part historical fiction. Sara Marsala goes to Sicily to get an inheritance after her Aunt Rose and tries to solve the murder of her great aunt Sarafina. While this story is completely fictional, the murder of Jo Piazza’s great great grandmother in Sicily is the inspiration behind the story. In my opinion its one of the best books of 2024! Here is the Behind The Book where Jo & I discussed the research and how long it took for her to write the book!

The Long March Home by Tosca Lee & Marcus Brotherton is a historical fiction novel that takes place in the Pacific during the Bataan Death March. While the characters of Jimmy, Hank & Billy are fictional characters, the history within the novel is very real. The only real character in the novel is Felipa Culala a female Guerilla fighter in the Philippines during this period. It does read slightly like a textbook at times, but I commend the both of them for their research. For more information, read my Behind The Book With Tosca Lee

Matterhorn by Christopher Reich is perfect for fans who want to give spy thrillers a chance to read. Mac Dekker is trying to solve the murder of his son Will & why they killed him. Mac reunites with his long time love Ava & they try to stop Ilya and his crew from initiating a terrorist attack. I love how the book calls out tiktok for what it is, an app used by the Chinese Communist party to spy & Russias government. Here is my Q&A I did with Christopher

Belonging by Jill Fordyce is about Jenny who has a huge cross to bear with an alcoholic mother & her father who lets it happen. Life gets tougher when she gets a rare disease from a dust storm and she loses her grandmother as a teen. Luckily Jenny’s best friend Henry, her great uncle Gino, her cousin Heather & her first love Billy get her through. The book spans through several decades starting in the 1970s to 2017. Although the story and the characters are not real, we can all relate to these characters or find someone similar to these characters since they feel so real. I also love how important Jenny’s Catholic faith is since I’m a Catholic myself. The themes of hope, forgiveness, love & belonging are a big part of the novel. Here is my Q&A with Jill Fordyce.

The Apology by Jimin Han is about Jeonga a 105-year-old woman who early on in the story is thrusted in the afterlife. Jeonga must finish her mission to fix a mistake she made several years prior. The story had its slow areas, but I enjoyed it. I like the fact that in the novel, Jeonga had to realize that while she means well, she’s made mistakes and isn’t always right. While it’s a fictional story about family and traveling in the afterlife, I like the fact that its about growth and Jeonga did a lot of that and she was dead. Jeonga had to realize she’s made mistakes and had to put her pride aside and admit she was wrong. Its hard for us all to do, admit when we are wrong but when people become older, it only gets worse. Here is my Q&A with Jimin Han