The Umbrella Maker's Son

The Umbrella Maker’s Son

Seventeen-year-old Reuven works alongside his father in his shop creating custom fine handmade umbrellas. Reuven is also in love with Zelda. Reuven’s quiet life ends up being shattered as the Nazi’s invade their homeland of Poland. Eventually the umbrella business among others is confiscated by the Nazi’s because Reuven & his father and many who work there are Jewish. Soon Zelda and her family disappear. The only way to escape a horrible fate is to find Zelda and escape.


Point of View, A tale of love & family & strength to survive mixed in

I like the small acknowledgement in the beginning of the book, Tod dedicates the book to his great grandfather Lendig who knew to get his family out of Poland before it was too late. I like that while reading The Umbrella Maker’s Son its from the point of view of Reuven himself. We get a sense of what it’s like from a young adult, almost a man’s point of view in first person. I love how the story is about family and love and while tragedy after tragedy happens, despite Reuven wanting to give up he doesn’t. Keep in mind there is a part in the book where the farmer’s wife that Reuven takes refuge with, coerces him to sleep with her. There also is a rape scene at one point in the book. The book was a little long in its points but overall, it’s an important read about history and why we must remember. I did like the bittersweet ending and with the way the book ended I could see a follow up being written. If you enjoy historical fiction & you don’t have an early copy of The Umbrella Maker’s Son by Tod Lending is available to read now!