The Time Travelers Wife Cancelled by HBO
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The Time Travelers Wife Cancelled by HBO
I have some unfortunate news for fans of the hit t.v. series The Time Travelers Wife which is based on the bestselling novel by Audrey Niffenegger. The Time Travelers Wife was cancelled by HBO Max after one season. I had gotten this information from while looking at Google the story popped up. Steven Moffatt who directed the series intended this show to last longer than one season. The first season had only 6 episodes and the 6th episode ended at Henry and Claire’s wedding which covered about a third of the original novel. HBO Max isn’t clear on why the show was cancelled.
Honestly what would have worked better is if the show had more episodes so it could cover the whole novel. Moffatt claimed he had seen this as more than a season but it can only go on for so much. I think the reason the show was cancelled was perhaps everyone enjoyed the movie and the book so much that they felt the show was unnecessary. I was willing to give the show a chance and I thought it was good. I will say who they casted as the leads of Claire and Henry, I did feel the chemistry wasn’t there for them in my opinion but they did do a good job of trying to follow the book better.