The Last Mrs. Parrish

The Last Mrs. Parrish

I spent two days reading “The Last Mrs. Parrish,” by Liv Constantine which is the pen name for sisters Lynn Constantine and Valerie Constantine. It was my first time reading from the sisters and wow it was hard to put down! Amber Patterson wants more from life than being a nobody. Amber wants more from her life; she wants wealth and power like the woman Daphne Parrish takes for granted. To Daphne and everyone else in Bishops Harbor Connecticut Daphne and her husband Jackson Parrish is the perfect couple with the perfect daughters. Amber knows if she wants something she will have to get it herself. Amber befriends Daphne and gets close to Jackson, but she has to be careful that a skeleton from her past doesn’t ruin everything she’s ever worked for.



I’m not going to lie this book grabbed me by the first page. This novel was hard to put down. I liked that the book went back and forth between points of views. The first part was Amber’s perspective, the second part was Daphne’s perspective and then the last part flipped back and forth between both of them. Daphne’s perspective is where some very huge twists happened that I did not expect. If you didn’t see a twist coming, the mystery thriller book has done its job. Another take away from this book is nothing is ever what it seems.



There wasn’t much that I disliked really. While Amber did get what she deserved, I wanted to see more happen. I won’t spoil what that is. You have to read that on your own.



Overall it’s definitely worth the read. I can’t wait to read more from Liv Constantine. If you love mystery thrillers with a huge twist, I suggest you check out “The Last Mrs. Parrish.”