The Booklovers Library

The Booklovers Library

Emma Taylor is a widow in need of a job to support herself and her daughter Olivia. Emma takes the job at Boots Booklovers Library. Emma must keep her daughter a secret while she works there as there’s restrictions against married women and widows working. When World War II becomes a real threat to England, Emma has no choice but to have Olivia evacuated to the countryside like so many desperate parents had to, which was called Operation Pied Piper. Throughout the story Emma finds a sense of purpose recommending books to patrons and making friends and even finding love.


Writing, Research, Story, Pacing & Important Lessons

Madeline Martin’s writing is once again excellent, and I love the amount of research she put into the novel. Boots Booklovers Library was an actual real lender library & the bar on widows and married women working was a real thing that thankfully was put at an end in 1975. British children were sent away to the countryside which was Operation Pied Piper. I like Emma as a character as well as Margaret, Ms. Pickering, Mr. Sanderson, Ms. Chatsworth & Charles Fisk. While I did like it, I loved her other books The Librarian Spy & The Keeper of Hidden Books better. The pacing was slow & I do have to agree with some of the reviewers on Goodreads when they said parts were repetitive. I also felt the romance between Emma & Charles, while I liked it, it felt very rushed since we didn’t see them interact as much for us to really root for them. I appreciate that Emma had to learn the important lessons that she didn’t have to do everything on her own and she had a community of wonderful people to help her who also have a shared love of books.




If you’re a historical fiction fan or a fan of Madeline Martin’s novels, get a copy of The Book Lovers Library out today on September 10th, or even get it from your library. I am grateful that I was able to read an early copy of The Booklovers Library over the summer.