Survive The Night

Survive The Night

This afternoon I finished reading “Survive The Night,” by Riley Sager and it was my second time reading from him. The first time I read from him was his most recent novel, “The House Across The Lake”. “Survive The Night,” is another fast paced mystery thriller. The year is 1991. Nirvana is a new popular band; George H. W. Bush is in The White House. Charlie Jordan is a movie obsessed college student traumatized that her best friend Maddie was the latest victim murdered by The Campus Killer. Charlie not taking it all well decides to go home. A handsome stranger named Josh Baxter who met Charlie at the ride share board offers Charlie a ride home. The more the two interact with each other on the long ride home, Charlie suspects something is off about Josh and that maybe she’s riding home with The Campus Killer himself. Is Josh a serial killer? Or is Charlie’s mistrust the movies playing in her head?



After enjoying “The House Across The Lake,” I knew I would enjoy “Survive The Night”. There were a lot of twists and turns in the novel many of which I didn’t see coming. You think you know who everyone is and what their intentions were but you don’t. I also like that the setting was in 1991 the year before I was born. I’ve always liked Nirvana hearing my parents listen to it when I was a kid. Charlie being a movie obsessed fan and seeing movies in her head was neat so you couldn’t tell if she imagined everything or if what she saw was real. Though I must say other than being obsessed with books, I’m obsessed with movies something Charlie and I have in common. I also like Josh. The ending was my favorite and very sweet.



There wasn’t much I disliked. I will say who The Campus Killer was, was a shock but at the same time it wasn’t. I would go into detail but I don’t want to spoil too many things.





Overall this was another great novel. I plan on reading more from Sager in the future. Riley Sager is one of my many favorite male authors.