Sorry For The Inconvenience

Sorry For The Inconvenience

This memoir is about Farah Naz Rishi who I didn’t know until recently, has written several fiction books. This is her first nonfiction memoir. I enjoy reading memoirs/biographies and autobiographies etc. Farah deals with college, life, friends and an overbearing mother who wants her to go to law school and find a husband in their Pakistani American community. What happens when Farah finds herself befriending and possibly falling in love with Stephen who is half Jamaican and half Indian and not Pakistani Muslim?


Writing & Marketing

The writing was good. I forgot that this was a memoir here and there.  I agree with one Goodreads review saying that the marketing was different. It seemed to market this memoir as the author having a difficult time finding a husband for her parents to approve of. Instead, it seemed like a mish mash of details not organized very well in my opinion. Something was missing from it and I’m not sure what it was. One review was right that storylines were dangled in front of us and then barely to nothing at all. I am thankful it wasn’t just me thinking this. This was rather inconvenient to say the least. I think if there was more editing I probably would have liked this better.