
Roald Dahl's Catalog now owned by Netflix

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Roald Dahl’s Catalog now owned by Netflix

I meant to report on this a week ago but my personal life became busy. The rumors are true, Netflix now owns all of Roald Dahl’s catalog. For those unfamiliar with the author, he wrote “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” “Matilda,” “The Witches,” among many others. Almost all of his work has been turned into film, t.v., animation and even plays. Netflix purchased the rights from the estate of Roald Dahl since he has been deceased since 1990 and now his family are probably really rolling in the cash right about now. Many of us who read Roald Dahl’s stories and watched some of his films, are worried that Netflix might ruin it because they haven’t always done well with some of their adaptations. Luckily Dahl’s grandson Luke Kelly, whose now a managing director will hopefully have some say in what happens and what doesn’t as to not tarnish his grandfather’s stories.

 According to NPR, The venture’s ambitions include “the creation of a unique universe across animated and live action films and TV, publishing, games, immersive experiences, live theatre, consumer products and more.” Even a “tasting experience” to bring Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory is in the mix. New Zealand film director Taika Waititi is working on a t.v. series based in the world of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” Hopefully this time around with Netflix it is done right and well. Unfortunately while Roald Dahl was alive, he hated most of what Hollywood did to his creations and out of all of them he was very dissatisfied with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and he hated Gene Wilder’s portrayal of him and wished British actor Peter Sellers was the eccentric Willy Wonka.