
Q&A with Zibby Owens

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Q&A With Zibby Owens

Hello everyone! I am doing another Q&A again, this time with Zibby Owens. Zibby is an author, publisher, podcaster, entrepreneur, book influencer, wife and mother to four children. Zibby has a podcast called Moms Don’t Have Time To Read Books. Last year Zibby released a book called “Moms Don’t Have Time To: A Quarantine Anthology.”  Zibby recently released 2 books a children’s book called “Princess Charming,” and her memoir titled “Bookends,” which I finished reading today. 


Q: “Bookends,” was my first time reading from you, and I was so happy I did. Which parts of your life did you have the most fun revisiting and writing down? Which parts were hard for you to revisit and write down? 


A:  The most fun (juicy) parts were reliving falling in love with my husband Kyle! Going through the loss of so many friends felt excruciating at times. But I’m glad I got it out of my system, so to speak. 


Q: I know you interview authors for your podcast often. I have my book blog and I’m doing Q&A’s and newsletters with authors for my blog . Let me tell you I still get star struck when an author agrees to do one with me. Do you still get star struck when an author agrees to be interviewed? Or are you pretty used to it by now? 


A: Oh totally! I just leaned over to Kyle and was like, “Justine Bateman is coming on my podcast!” (She was in a show called “Family Ties” back in the 1980s.)


Q: If you can spoil, what is your next book you are writing about now? 


A: Sure! It’s called BLANK and it’s about a mother of two and writer living in L.A. who is facing some personal and professional challenges and comes up with an unconventional solution to solve them. I’m having so much fun writing it. It’s very light. Beach read! 


Q: What advice do you have for anyone wanting to be a writer, podcaster, and a blogger etc? 


A: Start small. Learn how to do what you don’t know how to do on YouTube, Google, and wherever you can figure it out. Get advice. And then start with something that doesn’t cost a lot and can help you see how what you’re doing is landing with audiences. 


Q: You mentioned in your book you have a publishing company. If we wanted to send our stories in would we email you or someone who works for you? 


A: You would send your book proposals and/or full manuscripts to We have an internal submissions process but I can’t help peeking at most of them!