
Q&A With T.I. Lowe

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Q&A With TI Lowe

Another Q&A this week is with author TI Lowe who is the author of southern fiction.  Some of her work is Under The Magnolias, Beach Haven, Lulu’s Café and her recently released novel Indigo Isle. 


Q: Where do your ideas come from for all your stories?  

A: They typically come from something I want to understand better. Lulu’s Café, I wanted to understand a woman’s struggle with leaving an abusive relationship. Under the Magnolias, I wanted to understand the impact mental illness has on a family. I set out to learn something with each story.

Q: Would you like to tell the readers of the blog and I a little bit about Indigo Isle? How did you come up with the concept for that book? 

A: My favorite parable is the Prodigal Son and my favorite fairytale is Beauty and the Beast. Indigo Isle is my Southern take on both. Sonny Bates is the prodigal daughter and she encounters the reclusive owner of Indigo Isle. The locals have named Hudson Renfrow the Monster of Indigo Isle. Both Sonny and Hudson have walls they’ve formed from regretting mistakes they’ve made. Through the course of one long summer, they will realize it’s time to forgive themselves and to also stand up for themselves. This is a story of hanging on and letting go, of redemption and reconciliation, and of a love that heals the deepest wounds.

Q: If you were to experiment writing in other genres other than southern fiction, which genres would you choose and why?

A: Oh my goodness. Honey, I’m a southern as cornbread and write the way I speak, so I don’t believe I could turn that off. I would love to write a mystery suspense one day.

Q: If you are writing your next novel, can you reveal any details about it?

A: I actually just finished writing my next book, Lowcountry Lost. It’s set in a ghost town in South Carolina. Our leading lady, Avalee Elvis, is a general contractor. Along with her team, Avalee sets out to restore the entire town. She will also restore parts of her own life along the way. I’m super excited about sharing this one Summer 2024.

Q: Where is your favorite spot to plot, write and edit your books?

A: I’m lucky enough to have a home office. Most of my writing time is spent here. I like to send my manuscript to my Kindle so I can read and edit it at night. But I will write wherever the story demands. The grocery store. Before my daughter started driving, I would write while waiting in car rider line at her school.

Q: Does Hollywood have the rights to your work? It wouldn’t hurt the entertainment industry to have more books for original content instead of constant remakes, reboots, sequels, prequels and spinoffs. 

A: Not yet. But I like to dream big, so I’m confident it will happen eventually. But if not, I’m fine with that too. I just enjoy creating stories and am beyond blessed that people seem to enjoy them.