
Q&A With Sylvie Sinclair

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Q&A With Sylvie Sinclair 

Sylvie Sinclair is the author of the historical romance series Romancing The Rogue. The first book in the series is Earl Of My Dreams which is out now. She also has a novella titled Sin and Serendipity. Honestly both books sound lovely! I can’t wait to read them! 

Q: Would you like to talk about Earl Of My Dreams, and how you came up with the idea for the book? 

A: Earl of My Dreams is definitely a story of my heart. James, the book’s hero, is a character I feel I’ve known for a long time, so writing his story just felt right. He’s been through a lot—losing his father as a very young man, dealing with his mother’s rejection and the guilt he feels over his first marriage—and his past has turned him into a somewhat serious and broody kind of man, so I knew I wanted to pair him with a young lady who would tease him and test his patience, and Sophie definitely does that! 

Q: Out of all the genres to write in what made you choose historical romance specifically?

A: I’ve been reading historical romance since I was ten years old! A friend of mine at the time had an aunt who would bring home big garbage bags filled with romance novels, and me and my friend would play “Library” with these books. We both loved looking at the beautiful covers and eventually I started reading the books and just fell in love with the genre and the feeling of being swept away to the past. Historical romance has and always will be the genre of my heart, so it was only natural that I would want to write it!

Q: Are you currently writing book 2 to the Romancing The Rouge series? 

A: I am! Griffin and Olivia were introduced in the first book in the series. They are crazy about each other and everyone knows it, but (for Reasons) they really don’t want to admit it, even to themselves. I’m having a lot of fun forcing them together. The sparks really fly between these two!

Q: If Hollywood were to get the rights to your Romancing The Rogue series (if they haven’t yet.) which actors would you cast to play your characters?

A: Wow, I really had to think about this one! What a fun question. I’m a huge fan of Hallmark Channel’s holiday movies, and even though they haven’t made any Regency-set films (yet, I hope!) I thought it would be fun to cast my characters from their pool of regulars, so here goes:

Sophie and James would be played by Erin Krakow and Andrew Walker.

Olivia and Griffin would be played by Jen Lilley and Ryan Paevey

Emmy and Alex would be played by Autumn Reeser and Kevin McGarry

Q: Where is your favorite spot to sit down and plot, research, write and edit your work?

A: I do all of this in bed! It’s where I’m most comfortable and cozy. I can close the door, light a candle, put my headphones on and shut out the world while I focus on my work. 

Q: Who were/are your biggest supporters of your writing goal and talent?

A: My mom and my sister have always been my biggest champions. They’ve believed in me since day one and continue to be my cheerleaders on a daily basis. 

Q: If you were to write in different genres outside of historical romance, which genres would they be and why?

A: I would probably write hockey romance. I’m a big hockey fan (Go Sharks!) and also enjoy reading contemporary romance every now and then, so I think it would be fun to write some spicy hockey romances. Maybe someday!