
Q&A With Robin Finn

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Q&A With Robin Finn

Robin Finn is the author of the books Restless in L.A. & the recent release Heart Soul Pen. Robin is an award-winning writer, teacher, & coach. She is also the founder of Heart. Soul. Pen. women’s writing workshops that blend writing & radical self-expression for women, based in Los Angeles California. I am happy to be doing this Q&A with her today. Robin has had many essays published in publications including the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, The Washington Post, Buzzfeed, Zibby Magazine, The Times Of Israel, Ventura BLVD Magazine, Zibby Magazine, Patch & Grown & Flown.

Q: Robin, would you like to give a brief description of your current release Heart Soul Pen? 

A: Heart. Soul. Pen. Find Your Voice on the Page and in Your Life is all about following simple steps to unleash your radical self-expression, your truest words, through writing. The book is not just for writers, it is for any woman who is in search of her identity or wants to reconnect to her creative self.

Q: How long did it take for you to write Heart Soul Pen & why was now the right time to write & release it?

A: I was writing Heart. Soul. Pen. in my mind for years since it is based on the Heart. Soul. Pen. women’s writing program I created and teach. I wanted to reach more women with my message that your story is important, your voice has value, and your words are worthy. The Covid pandemic created even more of a need for self-care and self-expression for women. Heart. Soul. Pen. is an easy-to-follow roadmap to start writing, reinvigorate writing practice, move more deeply into journal writing, or launch (or complete) a writing dream. Writing relieves stress and improves our physical and mental wellbeing. It is an easy and accessible tool for self-care and my book gives readers the guidance and encouragement they need to write.

Q: What lessons do you hope readers, especially women learn, after reading Heart Soul Pen? 

A: The most important message I hope readers, especially women, take from Heart. Soul. Pen. is that their stories matter. Women too often feel as if they are ‘not enough’ to write—not good enough, smart enough, important enough, talented enough, young enough, old enough, educated enough, the list goes on and on. None of this is true. You do not need to climb Mt. Everest to have a story to tell (although you certainly can). You do not have to be or do or have anything more than what you are right now to be worthy of writing. Any other thoughts about your value that go on in your mind are limiting beliefs. You are worthy of writing. Because you are. And the time is now.

Q: You are the founder of Heart. Soul. Pen. which is a writing course based out of Los Angeles, California. What made you want to design a course for women to get creative through writing?

A: Heart. Soul. Pen. brings together my lifelong passions for public health, women’s empowerment, and spirituality, and blends them with the medium of writing because I am a writer. This combination results in a powerful intersection at which women can find themselves through expressing their ideas in words and sharing them in an uplifting environment. As I traveled along my own career journey, Heart. Soul. Pen. emerged as a natural outgrowth of my areas of interest and my skills and talents. When I realized I could bring these areas together into a course for women and that it would empower them not only on the page, but in their lives, I was all in. For me, HSP is more than a writing workshop, it is the culmination of my lifelong passions.

Q: I know you must be always writing something whether it’s a book or an essay. If you are currently working on your next book, will it be something like Heart Soul Pen, or something completely different?

A: I have several projects percolating right now. One is a memoir about parenting through mom judgment, and another is a second novel. I am not sure which one will emerge next, but I am as curious as you are!

Q: You’ve had many essays published in the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, The Washington Post, Buzzfeed, Zibby Magazine, The Times of Israel, Ventura BLVD Magazine, Zibby Magazine, Patch & Grown & Flown. It sounds like such a dream come true! What’s it like having your essays being featured in those publications?

A: I was a personal essayist before I became a published author and I love personal essays. It is always thrilling to see my work published, no matter if it is the first time or the fiftieth time. It is always exciting to generate a seed of an idea, grow it into a larger story, edit and revise it, and then pitch it, and see it published as a personal essay. It does not get old! I am grateful for every opportunity I have to share my work. 

Q: What advice would you give to anyone wanting to see their work published in outlets like the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, The Washington Post, Zibby Magazine, or Grown & Flown? 

A: My best advice would be not to give up. Keep writing. Keep editing. Keep improving your craft. Keep engaging in regular writing practice. Keep submitting and pitching and, eventually, you will see your work published. It can take time and patience. But, if you believe in yourself, keep going.