
Q&A With Riley Cross

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Q&A With Riley Cross

I have the honor and pleasure this week of doing a Q&A with author Riley Cross. Riley Cross is the author of the book Disconnected.


Q: Riley, I see that your book Disconnected is a dystopian novel. Would you like to tell the readers of the blog and I a little bit about the book and how you came up with the concept?


A: I’m entering my 12th year of teaching, and the idea really came to me one day after pondering the future of technology as my students are increasingly reliant on their phones (not saying that’s a bad thing, just an observation!). I kept wondering if human minds and the internet could become a blended machine and how that would impact our own ability to create. I’ve always loved dystopian literature and so it became a bit of this and a bit of that! A lot of the inspiration comes from my students and my years in the classroom for sure!

Q: If you are currently writing a new book is it a sequel to Disconnected, a standalone book or the beginning of a new series?

A: I am! It’s a sort of an in-between project while the sequel to Disconnected is brewing. I love books that stand alone and so, even in a series, each book will have its own arc that gently intertwines with the others. 

Q: Who were/are your biggest supporters of your writing talent and goals?

A: My husband! He is a science teacher and constantly tells everyone about my book. At the gas pump: Hey, did you know my wife wrote a book? Seriously, he is the best advocate a writer could have. If I need some time to write, he’s the first one on kid duty or offering ways to make it happen. Plus, he brings snacks. Pretty much an all-star. 

Q: If Disconnected were to be made into a movie or television series, who would be your ideal cast to play the characters you created?

A: I’d love to see Zendaya play the leading lady as Chiara! However, as long as it is a diverse cast and we get to see some new stars take the spotlight, I’d be thrilled. As writers, we know the struggle of trying to make it. I’d love to see a rising cast of talent take the stage as well.

Q: If you were to write in different genres other than dystopian fiction, which genres would they be and why?

A: I really love blending comedy with darker themes (think the Addams Family!) and my current project is along those lines. Dystopian can be heavy by nature and adding this comedic layer has been a joy to write. Stay tuned!