
Q&A With RaeAnne Thayne

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Q&A With RaeAnne Thayne

To start off this week is my latest Q&A with New York Times Bestselling Author RaeAnne Thayne. Before becoming an author RaeAnne was a journalist. RaeAnne now writes romance novels some of which are The Café At Beach End, All Is Bright, Summer At The Cape, & The Path To Sunshine Cove. Many of her books are in a series. 


Q: So RaeAnne I read your bio on your website. Is it fair to say that journalism as an elective in highschool and being a journalist yourself was what helped you decide to be an author?

A: Yes. I fell in love with telling stories when I was working at my high school newspaper, which led me to pursuing a degree in journalism in college. While in school, I dreamed about writing a book one day. I never had any idea forty years ago that one day I could say I’ve written seventy-three books!

Q: What made you want to write in the romance genre specifically? 

A: I started reading romance novels when I was in junior high and fell in love with these books about happy endings and true heroes and heroines. My mother loved romance novels, particularly romantic suspense, and she would always have stacks and stacks in her room that I frequently raided. It seemed only natural when I decided I wanted to write a book that I would turn to the genre I loved so much.

Q: Since it was your mother who pushed you into taking the journalism elective, was she also your biggest supporter when you decided that you did want to become an author?

A: I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my mother for recognizing that my love of words and reading made me a natural fit for telling stories. She and my father were both huge supporters of my books and were so proud of me for my career. My mother died unexpected in 2013 and my father followed her five weeks later. Five days after my father’s death, I hit the New York Times bestseller list for the first time with my book CHRISTMAS IN SNOWFLAKE CANYON. I’m sad that neither of them were around to see me reach that goal I never even imagined when I started writing, though I am certain they knew!


My husband has truly been my biggest cheerleader. He believed in me from the very first moment I sat down to write and has been along for the journey every step of the way.

Q: What is your advice to anyone wanting to pursue journalism as a career and writing great romance as you do?

A: I’m afraid I don’t have anything original to offer, other than the basic advice that helped me most. Read voraciously and widely and when you find books you love, read them once for pleasure and a second time to analyze what the author did that captivated you. Also, have faith in yourself and the stories you want to tell! You’re the only one who can tell that particular story in that particular way.

Q: Is it fair to say that you take bits and pieces from people you know, places you’ve been and your journalism career to create fictional worlds and people? It’s always amazing when authors can create fictional worlds and people from real people and places.

A: In some respects, yes. I spend the latter part of my journalism career as the news editor for a daily paper and my responsibility was going through the national and state stories to decide what would run in our paper. I would find dozens of ideas for books and characters every day. I’ve been a full-time writer since 1997, when our second child was born, and definitely miss that constant flow of ideas! I have to look a little harder for them now but journalism taught me the stories are definitely out there, you just have to dig.

Q: If you’re writing a new novel now, is it part of a series, a standalone novel or the beginning of a new series?

A: I recently finished a book that will likely be the last one in a series I have set in Cannon Beach, OR called THE WOMEN OF BRAMBLEBERRY HOUSE. I don’t know the title for that one yet but it will be out next summer. I’m now hard at work on my next book, which will be also be out next summer. This will be either the first book in a new series or a standalone title, depending on if I discover other stories to tell while I’m writing the book.

Q: How do you best deal with writer’s block, if you deal with it at all, that might help new authors deal with theirs? 

A: I feel fortunate that I’ve never had an extended period of time that could be considered writer’s block, though of course I do struggle with certain scenes. In that case, I usually take a walk, do something else creative like beading or gardening, or work on something else. The subconscious is a really funny thing and has a way of working through plot and character problems for me, sometimes when I sleep!

Q: If you were to write in another genre that wasn’t romance which genre would it be and why?

A: I love cozy mysteries and could see myself writing in that genre. I did write romantic suspense early in my career and do still enjoy those, but discovered my favorite stories to write were about community and family and all the trials and joys that come along because of our relationships with others.

Q: Does Hollywood have the rights to your work? The entertainment industry could use more originality and it wouldn’t hurt them to have some great books for original content. It is long overdue. 

A: I have had numerous projects options or shopping agreements with producers but nothing has ever quite worked out. I’m always keeping my fingers crossed!