
Q&A With Paige Shelton

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Q&A With Paige Shelton

This Q&A is with New York Times Bestselling author of murder mystery novels Paige Shelton. Some of Paige’s novels are “The Cracked Spine,” “Lost Books and Old Bones,” “The Stolen Letter,” “Thin Ice,” “Cold Wind,” and coming soon in 2023 “Lost Hours”. 


Q: I love reading mystery novels whether they are who done its or thrillers. What fascinates you about writing murder mystery novels? At what point in your life did you realize that being an author was your calling?

 A: When I was seven, I wrote a poem about a kite, and I was hooked. I was sure I was meant to work with words. It took a good long time to get there, but I don’t think I could have ever given up.

Most of the books I’ve read are mysteries. When I first started taking writing seriously (1997), I tried writing Romance, but I hadn’t read as many of those, and I struggled. I wouldn’t say things got a lot easier when I switched to mysteries, but they made more sense. A dead body and how it got that way is a fun puzzle to both try to solve as well as create. 

Q:  What advice do you give anyone on how to write a fantastic murder mystery? What advice do you give to anyone struggling with writers block?

A: Well, writers’ block first: keep writing, even if it’s horrible. Sometimes the only way to get to the good words is get through a bunch of bad ones. Just don’t stop writing. Let momentum work in your favor. As far as advice, I’d say – read, read again, and when you’re done with that round, read some more. Read mysteries but read other things too. Then write, write, write. I firmly believe that anyone can learn how to do it, but to learn it you must do it.

Q: Where do you get your ideas for your novels?

A: I don’t know. Sometimes I laugh and say “The Ghost of Deadlines Future” pops them in my head so I’m not late on a contract commitment. So, no I don’t know exactly, but I suspect they come from everywhere. 

Q: What advice do you give to new and aspiring authors on how to deal with negative feedback whether it’s from negative reviews, online trolls or unsupportive family members and friends?

A: Ignore, the best you can. For sure, don’t read reviews. Never, ever, ever respond to a review. Think of them as none of your business. As for unsupportive friends and family members, I’ve been very lucky in that department, so I don’t have any firsthand experience. I guess, if you want it badly enough, nothing can stop you. It took me thirteen years to get published after I started taking it seriously in 1997. I quit writing almost every day, but by the evening I was usually back to it. I know authors who got up early or wrote in the middle of the night to get their words (most of them practice words) in. Keep writing. 

Q: Does Hollywoood have the rights to any of your novels? 

A: Sadly, no. Hello, Hollywood, I’m waiting patiently. 😊 

Q: Are you writing a new novel right now? Can you reveal any details?

A: I am. I’m finishing up 2023’s Alaska book, LOST HOURS. When that’s done, I’ll finish up 2024’s untitled Scottish Bookshop book. Can’t share more than that though. 


Thank you, Bianca!