
Q&A With Noelle Holten

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Q&A With Noelle Holten

Noelle Holten is an award-winning blogger at She is an ex Senior Probation Officer turned best-selling crime author. She works as a Publicist for Bookouture/Second Sky by day and writes stand-alone thrillers & the DC Maggie Jamieson crime thriller series for One More Chapter/HarperCollins UK in the evenings. I have the honor of doing this Q&A with her!


Q: Noelle would you like to tell the readers of the blog about your Maggie Jamieson series? How did you come up with the concept for the series?


A: As a probation officer, I worked in a multi-agency team and wanted to write a series of crime thrillers using that perspective as I hadn’t seen or read anything like that before.  I have a wide range of knowledge about the criminal justice system and a unique insight, so why not use it! 

Each story can be read on their own, though to get the full picture of characters in my series, they should be read in order.  My stand-alone novels also include my experience as a Probation Officer in varied degrees. 


Q: Are you currently writing the next book in the Maggie Jamieson series?


A: Not at this time. I have written a stand-alone mystery thriller called 6 Ripley Avenue, which came out last autumn. It is available on all retailers. I am currently editing a stand-alone psych/crime thriller which will be published in the fall of 2024 by Harper Collins UK/One More Chapter.  I’ve also started writing a new crime thriller series but that is still in the early stages. I’ve mapped out 4 books and will get back to writing this series at the end of this year. 


Q: I love reading mysteries and obviously you enjoy writing them. Where did your love of writing mysteries come from?


A: I’ve been an avid reader of mystery, thrillers, horror and true crime since a very young age — Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys were the first mystery series I read/collected and I’ve carried on since! All my university degrees focus on crime or the criminal justice system and it is an area I am fascinated by, so naturally when choosing a genre, I chose what I know. 


Q: Would you like to tell the readers of the blog and I about your blog ? How long have you had the blog? What advice would you give me and others about blogging?


A: I started my blog in May 2015 and worked hard on getting CrimeBookJunkie on publisher’s radars by reading/reviewing and attending events where I could network. It seemed to do the trick! I would advise new bloggers to pace themselves and not over commit or you’ll find your love for reviewing/blogging dwindle. If I could go back, I would certainly take that advice. With a full time day job and writing in the evenings, although I still read at least 3 books a week, I haven’t had the same amount of time to write reviews as I used too but I still enjoy it and do what I can!


Q: How do you juggle blogging, writing and being PR and social media manager for Bookouture?


A: I don’t sleep much! Seriously. I have had insomnia since I was 13 yrs old and fill up my time with my hobbies and things I am passionate about… BOOKS! I am also very disciplined and carve out certain times before and after work to focus on writing, blogging, reading and reviewing.  I have to work full-time as the books I’ve written don’t pay the bills but I’m very lucky it’s at Bookouture as I get to work with amazing people and amazing authors!


Q: Since you’re a PR and social media manager for Bookouture, are you like a publicist or literary agent for other authors? It sounds so exciting!


A: I am a publicist. I manage the Second Sky social media accounts and work on the publicity for the books we’re publishing for both Bookouture’s and Second Sky, along with an amazing team of people. We get to work alongside incredible and inspiring authors and it really is a dream come true!


Q: Does the entertainment industry have any interests and rights to your work? The entertainment industry needs new fresh content again instead of the constant remakes, prequels, sequels, spin offs and reboots.


A: I wish they did! I’ve had a few bites on the series and my standalone but nothing more than that. I own the tv rights so if Netflix is interested… Description: 😂It’s a very competitive market/genre and even if a book is optioned, it doesn’t mean a tv show or movie/series will ever be made. Writers have to manage their expectations.


 Q: Where is your favorite spot to sit down and plot, write and edit your books?


A: I don’t plot… I just write what’s in my head. I have a writing desk set up in another room and type there or sometimes in the garden… depending on the weather. I often get ideas on trains or when I’m out and about so I carry a notebook with me at all times and use a NOTES app on my phone.


Q: What tips do you have for anyone wanting to write great mysteries?


A: Read a lot… in various genres. Find/make the time to write – I write an hour a day.  Do your research – literary license can only be taken so far. 


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