
Q&A With Mia Sheridan

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Q&A With Mia Sheridan 

I am delighted to do a Q&A with New York Times Bestselling author of romance Mia Sheridan. Mia is the author of Archers Voice, Travis which is the recently released sequel to Archers Voice, Most Of All You, More Than Words, Kyland, & Graysons Vow. 


Q: When you knew that being an author was your calling in life, what drew you to writing romance specifically?

A: I actually had never considered writing a book until I wrote a book! I had experienced a traumatic loss and in the wake of that event, I was reading a lot of romance (happy stories filled with love and hope), and so I decided to try my hand at it. At first, it was just a safe outlet for my grief, but as I got farther into the story, I began to love the process and stretching my imagination. 

Q: Do you have a favorite spot or spots where you plot, write, and edit your novels?

A: I write and edit at my desk, but I plot anywhere and everywhere! Some of my best plotting happens as I’m in that place between sleep and wakefulness before the sun even rises.

Q: Mia I saw somewhere that Hollywood has the rights to Archers Voice and will make it into a movie. Are you the executive producer and writer on the project? Have they started filming and casting yet?

A: Unfortunately, that project fell through. I do have another option out right now and if something happens with that, perhaps Archer’s Voice will be back on the table (a script was written so it came quite a ways), but I’m not ready to talk about that one just yet. 😉

Q: When you create fictional worlds and characters, do you use bits and pieces from real places? It’s amazing that authors can create fictional worlds and people taken from reality. 

A: Absolutely! I like to create worlds and places, but there is usually at least a little bit of from towns/cities/locations I’ve personally experienced.

Q: Does Hollywood have the rights to your other books? The entertainment industry is in desperate need of originality again. 

A: I agree! No, I have one option out right now, but I’m not sure what’s happening with that at the moment. Hopefully something unfolds as far as a movie or show but we’ll see!

Q: What is your next book you are currently writing about?

A: Right now I’m writing another book in the Pelion Lake world.

Q: If you were writing in a genre that wasn’t romance, which genres would you explore and why?

A: I’ve really come to love romantic suspense in the last few years. I find putting the puzzle of solving a crime together challenging and fascinating. But romance will always be my first love so whatever I write will always have a bit of that.