
Q&A With Maeve Greyson

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Q&A With Maeve Greyson 

Today, I have an opportunity to do my next Q&A with USA Today Bestselling Author of historical romance Maeve Greyson. Maeve writes historical romance, time travel romance, and paranormal romance all ending happily ever after. They sound like books I want to read. Some of Maeve’s many books are To Steal A Duke, When The Midnight Bell Tolls, Delighting Her Highland Devil, Loving Her Lonely Highlander & Saving Her Highland Traitor.

Q: Maeve, when did you know that being an author was what you were called to do in life? 

A: That is always one of the hardest questions I get because I guess you could say, I started writing by accident. I had always been an avid reader—reading helped me survive a very difficult childhood. I was also a terminal daydreamer. I can’t tell you the number of times I got scolded both at home and at school for “being inside my head” rather than paying attention to the world around me. Then there was this English teacher in middle school who assigned us a creative writing challenge. After reading my papers, she pulled me aside and said, “You need to study hard, hone your skills, and do this. These stories are wonderful.” Ever hungry for praise at that age, I cherished that little golden kernel but then eventually forgot about it. Life got in the way, as life often does. Then YEARS later, I happened to read Jean M. Auel’s Clan of the Cave Bears, fell in love with bringing the past to life, and decided to try my hand at it. Thankfully, along the way, I’ve been helped, taught, mentored, and challenged by some of the best. I would not be where I am today without them.

Q: What is it you enjoy the most about writing historical romance, paranormal romance & time travel romance books?

A: Happy ever after. That is the main reason I write romance of any genre. Reality doesn’t always guarantee a happily ever after but my stories do.

Q: For historical romance & time travel romance what is the research process like when you have an idea and are writing them? For the paranormal romance, where do your ideas for fictional worlds and characters come from? 

A: For historical and time travel romance, my research process is actually quite the same. I have loads of research books on fashion, religious beliefs, societal norms, laws, and even period maps to make sure I correctly identify regions and road names. And my internet search engine is incriminating enough to cause some concerns if the wrong folks were to see it! Like what poison would kill an adult male the quickest and how would he suffer? (Insert evil laugh here) 😉 For my paranormal romance stories, those worlds and characters have come to me from myths, legends, and dreams. I play the “what if” game with my mind a lot!

Q: Do you currently have any upcoming releases and projects in the works? If it’s not too early to say, can you talk about them?

A: The second book in my Sisterhood of Independent Ladies (Regency Romance) is with my editor and currently slated to be released in February 2024. All the books of this series are about how a group of women refuse to relinquish their social status, money, and titles just because they gave birth to daughters rather than sons after their husbands died. Never underestimate the creativity of a determined woman. Then I have an eight book Regency Romance series coming out with Dragonblade Publishing that will span from 2024 to 2027. Who knows what might crop up in between! 

Q: Does Hollywood have the rights to your work? We need new content in the entertainment industry. Whether they do or not, who would be your dream cast to play your characters?

A: From your lips to Hollywood’s ears! As of yet, I don’t have any stories optioned for film or television. I would love it if My Time to Love a Highlander Series was picked up. It’s a seven book series based in Scotland but each book has a different hero and heroine. The magic of Scotland takes it upon itself to bring soulmates together across the centuries. And dream cast? Henry Cavill, Richard Armitage, or Chris Hemsworth would be MOST acceptable as heroes! And for the leading ladies? Rita Wilson, Nia Vardalos, Keira Knightly. There are so many talented actors out there, that I fear I’d never be able to choose if casting were up to me!

Q: What’s it like having your books being listed on The USA Today Bestsellers list? It sounds so impressive!

A: A thrill of a lifetime and one of those rungs on the ladder that you hope, pray, and dream that someday you will reach. I am very grateful.

Q: If you were to write in another genre that wasn’t romance, which genres would they be and why?

A: Epic fantasy where the dragons are the good guys, magic really does exist, and maybe just a little bit of evil can sometimes be a good thing.

Q: What helpful advice would you give to aspiring and new authors on how to deal with negative criticism whether it’s from reviews, online trolls, and family and friends who aren’t supportive of their writing dreams and goals?

A: No matter how long you have been a writer or how successful you become, negativity in any form hurts, and it never stops. Words hurt. Even well-meaning friends and family don’t realize how it hurts when they scoff about your writing and name you a “smut writer”, in the case of romance, of course. There will always be trolls, and the more successful you become, the more trolls there are. My greatest advice on trolls and negative reviews? DO NOT ENGAGE. If you can block them from your accounts on social media, do so. But DO NOT ENGAGE. All that does is feed the beasties and make them come after you even harder. Writing is a hard life. Your stories are your babies, and it hurts when they’re attacked. Write from your heart, study and learn, do your best, and then also do your best to cover your ears and eyes against the naysayers. Nine times out of ten, the negativity they spew comes from a problem inside them—not a problem with your story. Never give up. Never give away your power. As my mantra on my website says, “No one has the power to shatter your dreams unless you give it to them.”