
Q&A With Lynn Post

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Q&A With Lynn Post 

I have the honor of doing this Q&A with Lynn Post, who is the owner of PostScripts Editing. Lynn provides book production & editorial services for indie & traditionally publishing authors. Lynn offers proofreading, manuscript critiques & writing and publishing guidance. 

Q: Lynn, would you tell the readers & I a little bit about you & what you specifically do at PostScripts Editing & how you created it?

A: I’m a freelance editor and book coach, providing a variety of editorial and consulting services for authors of fiction and memoir, wherever they may be in the writing process. I started my business over 10 years ago, after getting a certificate in editing from the University of Washington. I started out primarily with proofreading and copy editing, which focus on the style and fine-tuning of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. But in the past five or six years, I’ve shifted to working mostly with authors at the big-picture stage, focusing more on developmental editing, manuscript assessments, book coaching, and consultations.

I’m working on putting together some writing workshops soon too, so those will be posted on my website and LinkedIn as soon as they’re ready!

Q: I’m passionate about books & obviously you are too. Where did the passion of books come from for you? What drew you into editing? 

A: I’ve been an avid reader for as long as I can remember. My parents read to me a lot as a kid, and I was fortunate to have many teachers throughout my school years who fostered my love for books and made reading fun and interesting. I came to editing as a career when my son was about to start kindergarten and I was looking for a job that I could do from home. Since I also always did well in grammar and writing lessons, when I found the certificate program at my local university, I thought freelance editing would be a perfect fit. And I was right! I truly love editing and especially enjoy working with authors to help them shape and revise stories into the best they can possibly be and fulfill their writing and publishing goals.

Q: How many authors have you and your team offered editing services for & gave them advice guiding them on their writing journey?

A: I’ve never counted how many authors I’ve worked with, but it’s well over over 100, considering that I work on an average of a dozen or so projects per year.

Q: Can you give some of the indie & big name authors you and your team edited their works for?

A: First, I want to make it clear that I don’t have a team. It’s just me! I’ve worked with several award-winning and best-selling authors, which are all listed on my website. A few self-published books that I’ll mention here, that have seen above-average success are: 

The Dread Lions of Rufiji by Charles Challis, a YA action/adventure novel (currently #20 in Teen & Young Adult Environmental Conservation & Protection eBooks” but has been as high as #7)

Loving Tiara, a memoir by Tiffany Goff (currently #254 in Biographies of People with Disabilities and a finalist in the National Indie Excellence Awards in 2020)

All Mine by L’Ve Hall won 1st place in the Bookfest Fall 2023 category “Urban Romance”

Additionally, a memoir that was just published and that I believe will be very successful is Lone Druid: Chronicles of a Reluctant Wilderness Activist by Ric Bailey, with a back-cover endorsement by award-winning environmentalist and author Brock Evans.

Q: If you were an author, which genre would you write in & would you edit your own book or have someone else do it for you?

A: It happens that I do also write, and the book I’m currently working on is a YA mystery. I will definitely hire someone else to edit my manuscript. Even editors need editors! There are so many different stages of editing and revision, and it’s best to have a different perspective and fresh set of eyes for each. 

Q: Did you have to go to college to become an editor? I would love to know about your personal journey. 

A: As I mentioned, I did complete a certificate program to become an editor, and that was the best first step for me. I’ve also had additional training specific to developmental editing, book coaching, and writing craft.

Q: What is your advice for anyone wanting to do what you do?

A:  There are no official standards, specific requirements, or special licenses needed to start working as an editor, but I would definitely recommend enrolling in some type of training program, if you don’t already have hands-on experience. There are now many online programs for copy editing, proofreading, developmental editing, book coaching, and publishing. There are also individual classes and workshops available through editing organizations and individuals who specialize in providing resources for editors. 

I actually have a list of resources and offer consultations and mentoring for new and transitional editors. (I’m currently updating that page on my website, so check back soon, or send me a message if you’d like to be contacted when the information is available.)