
Q&A With Lucia Matuonto

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Q&A With Lucia Matuonto


Mickey Mikkelson connected me with my next guest author Lucia Matuonto. Lucia is the author of the books Zoe The Crab: Lost On The Beach, Zoe The Crab: Mystery Island, Zoe The Crab: The Rescue Mission, Out of The Box & her recent book which is an anthology titled Relatable Voices.  Lucia is the host and creator of The Relatable Voice Podcast, Catch The Story! Podcast, founder, and CEO of Relatable Media & producer and chief editor of The Relatable Voice Magazine & The RV Book Fair & is also the host of UNCUT with Lucia.


Q: Lucia would you like to talk about your recent book Relatable Voices?  Why did you choose for it to be an anthology?


A: Last year, after the pandemic, I gathered some fellow authors who had appeared on my podcast, “The Relatable Voice,” to create an anthology called “Relatable Voices.” These authors come from the US, Brazil, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. A dozen of us met on a Zoom call, eager to know each other’s backgrounds, where we lived, and our writing styles. Our mission was clear: “Share stories of triumph, happy endings, and tales that leave people feeling empowered.” After nearly a year of hard work, we published the anthology, and it turned out beautifully.

I chose an anthology format to showcase diverse perspectives. “Relatable Voices” celebrates the power of connection in a post-pandemic world.


Q: How do you juggle being a podcast host, chief editor, and & CEO?


A: Balancing these roles is demanding but incredibly fulfilling. I meticulously schedule my tasks, delegate responsibilities, and use digital tools to stay organized. My passion for the creative world keeps me energized, and the dynamic nature of these roles makes me thrive. In addition to my professional responsibilities, I make it a point to allocate two hours every day to exercise and get some fresh air. This routine enhances my overall productivity and well-being. It’s a rewarding journey, and I’m constantly motivated by the opportunity to connect with a wide audience, curate compelling content, and lead a creative company.


Q: Are you currently writing your next novel right now? If so can you reveal any details about it?


A: Yes, I’m currently co-writing a novel with the author Pat Backley. We’re working hard on it and plan to publish it by March 2024. While I can’t share the details just yet, it’s an action-adventure packed project, and it’s something different than what I’ve done in the past. I’m so excited to share this project, so keep your eyes out for the release date!


Q: Where do you get your ideas to create your stories?


A: I get my ideas from everywhere. For Zoe the Crab, it was my work as a physiotherapist that led me to Zoe, because of the amazing patients I worked with. My next project, Out of the Box, was inspired by my husband’s work in renewable energy. I’ve even named characters after people who are important to me. So whether it’s when I exercise, go for a walk, speak to people, or even when I’m asleep and dreaming, an idea may come.


Q: Would you like to tell the readers of the blog and I about your podcast The Relatable Voice, and what made you choose the topic you have for it?


A: The Relatable Voice podcast is something that is so, so special to me. I started it in February 2021, during a time where we had no idea how long COVID would last. I was so used to traveling the world and meeting people, and when that stopped, a lot of us started to miss that. At that point, I also saw how difficult it was for authors to promote their work, after doing it myself for my books. The idea behind the podcast is that I give a virtual ride in my RV to a guest while we have a great conversation during our road trip. The topics range from anything to everything under the sun. The idea of interviewing guests just came to me: we could have a conversation and build connections regardless of location, while also celebrating the power of books and storytelling. It is such a blessing to be able to meet so many talented and interesting individuals, who all have a story to share. And it’s not just interviewing authors, but also actors, speakers, researchers, psychologists and so many more.  We have over 380 episodes now, and we’ve expanded the concept by creating The RV Book Fair, which is an online video program dedicated to the love of books. Our second Book Fair is coming up this November, and viewers can expect more amazing new books, authors and conversations. Long story short, this podcast was essentially my way of connecting with others from around the world, but it turned out to create a community that I’m so proud to be a part of.


Q: What is it like being CEO of Relatable Media & producer and chief editor of The Relatable Voice Magazine & The RV Book Fair? What advice would you give for being a producer, chief editor and CEO?


A: While these roles involve a lot of work, meetings, and decision-making, it’s a passion project and something I’ve always dreamed of, so I love it. I always focus on creating content that is meaningful to me, so it’s always enjoyable, even if I’m editing the latest issue of The Relatable Voice Magazine until past my bedtime.

As for advice, I think that consistency really is key when it comes to building a brand or business. The Relatable Voice Magazine is published monthly, and this year’s Book Fair will have the same structure as last year’s. I also always have people helping me, whether it’s with editing feedback or promotional help. It takes a village, and this community really shows that. Find out more about Relatable Media at: