
Q&A With Lizzie Qnert

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Q&A With Lizzie Qnert

Today’s Q&A is with mystery author Lizzie Qnert. Lizzie is the author of Crackshell, Power Surge, Last Will & Puzzlement & Green Peeler. 


Q: So Lizzie I enjoy reading mysteries like many people do. What drew you into writing in the mystery genre?

A: Reading suspenseful mysteries and trying to suss out the conclusion is fun, but writing a twisty suspense or mystery is an absolute blast! I adore creating the twists and turns, turning up the tension, and leading my readers down dead-ends while dropping breadcrumbs towards the real solution. Every book I’ve written has challenged my logic and reasoning skills. It’s like being dropped in a maze, testing turn after turn, backtracking, restarting, and never knowing if it’s going to work—until it does. It’s utter chaos, and joy!

Q: Would you like to tell the readers of the blog and I a little bit about your books and how you came up with the ideas for them?

A: All of my books weave my life experiences (both good and bad) into them. 

POWER SURGE was my reaction to years of working in the advertising field (before #MeToo). Unfortunately, in the late eighties sexual harassment in the workplace was not only rampant, but not taken seriously. Then, and now, the gropes, comments, and innuendos add up. For me, POWER SURGE and the character of CC Crane was a cathartic revenge fantasy. Obviously, I don’t advocate vigilantism (and CC pays a heavy price for hers), but writing POWER SURGE allowed me to shine a light on the toll of sexual harassment while releasing some pent-up frustration.

The Rock Narrows Suspense Series (CRACKSHELL—book #1, GREEN PEELER—book #2) features a small watermen’s town on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I met and married my husband on the Eastern Shore and our first date was tending the soft shell crab pens. I had the privilege of living there for several years. The area is vibrant and beautiful, and full of memorable people. And the crabbing industry is fascinating. I knew I had to share it! 

Evie, a main character in LAST WILL and PUZZLEMENT, was inspired by my spirited, feisty grandmother. My grandmother shared so many engaging stories about her life—from dancing the night away with Clark Gable to surviving the depression. When she passed, my family spread her ashes at locations that were important throughout her life. It was the most heartwarming, meaningful “funeral” I had ever attended. I hope I’ve captured a smidgen of her essence in this lighthearted mystery.

Q: Who in your family and friends were your biggest supporters of your writing goal and talents?

A: I’ve been incredibly lucky to have an army of supporters! My husband, my parents, my sisters, my daughters, and my dearest friends have been tireless in their help and encouragement. I’ve also been gobsmacked by the amazing support from fellow authors (online and in my critique groups). Their generosity is incredible and their interaction serves as daily motivation. 

Q: What are you currently writing right now? Or would you prefer to keep that a mystery? 😉 

A: I’m really excited about my next psychological thriller—PLAIN OFFENSE! It’s set in Lancaster County, PA (my hometown) and written from the POV of Sadie, an ex-Amish woman. Strapping, healthy members of Sadie’s former Amish church district—including three of her relatives—are dying and no one knows why. Not willing to settle for “Gott’s Wille” (God’s Will) as an answer, Sadie is determined to find out why. PLAIN OFFENSE will be released in 2024.

Q: Where is your favorite spot to plot, write and edit your work? 

A: I call it my hovel. I do my best thinking with a hood over my head and my body close to the ground (who knows why?) So, my first hovel had an extra-large, fluffy dog bed (shared with my Basset Hound, Annie) that I would cozy up in with my laptop. I’ve now graduated to a squishy bean bag chair, still beside my pup. 

Q: Does Hollywood have the rights to your work? The entertainment industry needs new material again. 

A: Not yet, but I’d love for the Rock Narrows Suspense Series to be on the little screen! I think it has a similar vibe to Ozark and would make a wonderful, long-running show!