
Q&A With KJ Dell' Antonia

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Q&A With KJ Dell’Antonia 

My next Q&A is with author KJ Dell’Antonia. KJ Dell Antonia is the bestselling author of “The Chicken Sisters,” which was also part of Reese Witherspoons book club pic and also the author of “In Her Boots,” and “How to Be A Happier Parent.” 

Q: Which book did you have the most fun writing? Which scenes did you have the most fun writing and which scenes were more challenging?

A: I loved writing the farm scenes in In Her Boots. The animals were a joy to create—although two I didn’t create at all. The mini ponies, Brownie and S’mores, are looking up from their hay in the paddock outside my office window right now (a very well-fenced paddock, because Brownie is exactly the escape artist I describe in the book). I’d love to have a llama like Teddy. And I found the scene where Rhett gives in to her inner devil and gets revenge on Mike for showing up with her mom that way to be amazingly fun too. I don’t want to ruin anything, but let’s just say his pick-up ends up needing a wash.

Q: Does Hollywood have the rights to any of your novels? 

A: Yes—The Chicken Sisters has been optioned for TV. They’ve just renewed it, so they’re clearly still interested. I really hope it’s going to happen. It would be so fun to see in that format.

Q: What advice would you give to someone who wants to be an author? 

A: That “talent” is about the least important thing you need. This is a learnable skill, and there are a lot of books and coaches out there who can help you learn how to craft a story and create believable and wonderful characters, worlds and dialogue. It takes work and it takes practice (and it takes a lot of reading) but it isn’t magic. Probably the hardest part is keeping at it for as long as it takes to make something really work—and listening to the good advice that’s out there and applying it rather than rushing an early draft out on submission or into the market. 

Q: Are you writing a new book now? If so, can you spoil a little bit about what your new book is about and when it comes out? 

A: I am! But I’m not sure whether it will ever find its way onto the shelves. Think witchy grown-up Gilmore Girls coming back together in a small, Marfa-like town in Kansas using a stolen family deck of tarot cards to fight an ancestral foe with powers they never imagined were possible. I’m HOPING you might see it fall of 2023…. but it may be another year yet. Or it may be replaced with some other story. I guess when you see my next book, you’ll know if this one made it out the door!