
Q&A With Kalee Boisvert

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Q&A With Kalee Boisvert 

To end this week off on a good note, I’m doing a Q&A with author and financial advisor Kalee Boisvert, who is one of the many authors represented by publicist Mickey Mikkelson. Kalee has two books coming out this year titled Make Money Your Thing, which is a non-fiction novel about building confidence & empowering women with their money. Her second book is a kid’s picture book titled Money Wise Mabel’s Bursting Bank, which is about a little girl learning about money and the power of saving. 


Q: Kalee, is it fair to say that you wrote both Make Money Your Thing & Money Wise Mabel’s Bursting Bank, to prepare everyone, especially women and children to save money and be smart with it?

A: You’re absolutely right, that was precisely my intention in writing these books! The financial industry and the world of money have a patriarchal root, which means that there is still some ground to cover to create an inclusive space. My hope is that it can become a more welcoming and secure environment for women, and that’s why I wrote Make Money Your Thing to empower women and boost their confidence when dealing with money matters.

And, there is so much more we can do to teach children about money and help them establish a positive relationship with it from a young age. One of the most common regrets I hear from people regarding their financial lives is that they wish they had started saving and investing earlier. This got me thinking, how early can we start? Why not as children? That’s why I wrote MoneyWise Mabel’s Bursting Bank, to provide parents with the tools to have positive and empowering conversations about money and the importance of saving with their children as early as 4 or 5 years old.

Q: If you’re writing a new book now, is it another children’s book about saving money or another non-fiction book?

A: I haven’t begun working on another project yet, but I am currently developing an idea for a non-fiction book aimed at teenagers and young adults, providing them with financial literacy as they transition into adulthood and begin their careers. The goal is to help them establish good financial habits early on, which can open up numerous possibilities for them to achieve their biggest financial aspirations. And I would love to carry on MoneyWise Mabel as a series where she tackles some other big financial lessons like budgeting and starting her very own business!  

Q: What made you want to be a financial advisor and an author? How did you realize both were your calling?

A:  Growing up, I didn’t have a lot of money. Being poor was a constant theme in my childhood, which affected many aspects of my life. I lived in subsidized housing and wore hand-me-downs from my sister. However, as an observant introvert, I was always attuned to my surroundings, which allowed me to recognize the crucial role that money played in life. Money was the key to the toys I longed for as a child, the designer clothes I desperately wanted as a teenager, and the solution to eliminating my single mother’s stress. From a young age, I was determined to make my own money and achieve my goals. Every target I hit increased my confidence and belief in myself, proving that anything was possible.

As I witnessed my mother’s financial struggles, I realized that no woman should have to experience the anxiety of not having enough money to support themselves, their families, or their future. I decided to become a financial advisor to empower and support women in ending their money-related stress. I created my financial practice to provide women with a safe space to thrive. I began hosting women-only events on various financial topics, which garnered criticism from my male colleagues in the office, but I didn’t care. It was necessary to give women a comfortable place to discuss money where they would not be ignored.


Fast forward to today, years into building my female-focused business and I can confidently say that I love what I do. It feels incredible to walk alongside my clients as they transform their relationships with money. I am thrilled to witness the effects of newfound money confidence as women pursue their most ambitious financial goals, such as funding their first home, defeating their debt, achieving peace of mind with a sizable savings account, establishing an education fund for their children, and embarking on exciting adventures around the world. Its proof that money and investing can truly work. You can have big, bold dreams and achieve them. The first step is simple: it begins with an unwavering belief in yourself and the confidence to take action.


Unfortunately, I realized that the confidence piece was not innate, and that was the missing piece for women to take action in their financial lives. That realization led me to develop the idea for “Make Money Your Thing.” My goal was to solve the problem of that missing piece and equip women with the confidence they need to take control of their financial lives and achieve their dreams.