
Q&A With Jessica Flory

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Q&A With Jessica Flory 

Today I have the honor of doing a Q&A with author Jessica Flory. Jessica is the author of the young adult novel “Oceans of Sand,” coming June 2023. On top of writing Jessica is a fitness instructor, and a baking enthusiast. I love to bake too as well as read something Jessica and I have in common. 


Q: When did you know that you were called to be an author? 


A: I’ve been writing stories ever since I was an elementary school kid. In fourth grade I filled an entire 70 page notebook with a story about a unicorn named “Sunshine” and I was just SO PROUD. I’ve never stopped writing. 


Q: Can you tell our readers what “Oceans of Sand,” is about? I can’t wait to read it since I enjoy novels about magic. 


A: You are so sweet, thank you! Oceans of Sand is set in a desert world where the moon is so close that it pulls the sand into waves. 17-year-old Norah is the only one in her village without a sand gift, yet it’s up to her to save everyone from famine and looming war. 

          Norah and her best friend, Zadock, are sent on a last-ditch quest across the ocean of sand to find the legendary moonstone, an artifact that could end the famine. Zadock’s sand gift allows him to control the sand and steer their ship, but love weakens sand gifts. Friends are all Norah and Zadock can ever be, despite what both of them may want. 

When the moonstone is not where it was thought to be and the enemy takes Norah captive, they leave Zadock to die. If Norah is going to save her friend and her world, she must find her gift and unlock the reason she’s been powerless for so long. 


Q: What advice do you have for anyone feeling the call to be a writer? What advice do you have for anyone who struggles with writers block?


A: My main advice for writers is to keep writing and keep reading. Seriously, there’s no shortcut to becoming a great writer. It takes sweat, tears, and time. Oceans of Sand is the fourth novel I’ve written but the first that’s being published. Set yourself a routine and just write even a little bit every day. Also, read the book “Story Engineering” by Larry Brooks. It changed completely the way I look at crafting a story. 

          Oh man, writers block. It sucks. My biggest piece of advice is to take a break. I don’t think writers block is something you can force your way through. I find that if I’m stuck on a problem in my story, if I take a break and let my brain do other things, the solution will eventually come to me. 

Q: Are you writing a new novel now? If so is it a sequel to “Oceans of Sand,” or is it a standalone novel entirely?


A: I am writing the sequel to Oceans of Sand! It’s called Dunes of Water, and I’m sooooo excited about it. I never thought Oceans of Sand would be a duology, but I got the idea in my head and couldn’t get it out. I’m about 75% of the way through the rough draft right now. 


Q: If you were to collaborate with another author, who would it be and why?


A: Oh wow. Can I pick any author? Brandon Sanderson, hands down. Because he’s AWESOME. He’s my writing hero and basically everything I aspire to be in life. Haha, I joke, but seriously I love his books and his writing style. My goal is to provide the world with more books of his same quality, so getting to write one with him would just be a dream. 


Thank you, Bianca, for doing this Q+A! If readers want to connect with me and be notified when Oceans of Sand is published, please point them to Thanks!