
Q&A With Jenifer Goldin

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Q&A With Jenifer Goldin

My latest Q&A is with blogger and author Jenifer Goldin. Jenifer is the author of Anonymous Mom Posts & Moms Who Read Romance Novels. 


Q: Reading about you on your website I know you said that writing has always been your passion. At what point in your life did you realize this? 

A: I remember first writing stories in 5th grade. The entire grade would assemble just to hear me read them out loud. As I got older I entered writing competitions for magazines like Seventeen and Sassy. In college, I took creative writing instead of English 101. I began writing my first book in my twenties in notebooks. Inspired by Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Big Magic, a tale about the mysterious nature of inspiration, I gathered my pile of hand-written notebooks twenty years later and turned them into a novel. Maybe I’ll publish it one day, but for now, it is just something I did for myself. 


Q: Jenifer, would you like to tell the readers of the blog and I about Anonymous Mom Posts & Moms Who Read Romance Novels & how you came up with the concept for both books? 

A: The inspiration for Anonymous Mom Posts was my own experiences in several on-line mom groups. Moms often post anonymously, asking for advice on sensitive topics. I always wondered what led each mom to post and what happened. My curiosity became the foundation for the book. I made up my own posts and the stories that went with them.

Although I didn’t know it at the time, Moms Who Read Romance Novels was inspired by a hilarious conversation I had with two very good friends while we were on a girl’s trip. A few months later, I was at dinner with my family and we were brainstorming ideas for book titles about mom life. My son said, “what about romance novels?” His suggestion reminded me of the funny conversation. The idea took off considering how obsessed people are with romance novels these days. 

Q: Are you allowed to reveal what you are currently writing now? 

A: I’m writing another humorous yet heartfelt book on mom life. The title is fun, but I can’t reveal it quite yet. But join my newsletter at to be the first to find out what this new book is about as well as get the opportunity to be on my advanced reader team for this new release. 

Q: Where are your favorite spots to sit down and blog, plot, write and edit?

A: I either sit in my kitchen, home office, or outside on our back porch if the weather is nice. My mini golden doodle, Luna, is my writing buddy and stays by my side. 

Q: What lessons do you hope readers take away from your books? 

A: I write contemporary fiction about modern day moms. But my books are much more than a snarky take on motherhood. They explore what’s at the heart of genuine connection and go beyond storytelling, offering insights into the human experience. Readers who enjoy stories about friendship, motherhood, relationships, and self-acceptance, mixed with soul, and just a dash of snark, you’ll enjoy my books. 

Q: If Hollywood were to get the rights to your work if they haven’t yet, who would be your ideal cast for Anonymous Mom Posts & Moms Who Read Romance Novels? 

A:Anonymous Mom Posts

Laura- Reese Witherspoon

Julie- Natalie Portman

Isabell- Nicole Kidman

Maggie- Sandra Bullock

Gabriella-America Ferrera

Indira- Mindy Kaling