
Q&A With Jeff Clark

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Q&A With Jeff Clark

Today is a Q&A with a very special man and author named Jeff Clark. Jeff’s debut non-fiction book is Hear These Truths. On top of being an author Jeff served twelve years of active duty in the Air Force and continued his service in the military as a civilian ever since. His nearly twenty year career has seen him lead teams in logistics, operations & readiness & plans, business & special programs for the US Air Force & US Space Force.

Q: Jeff would you like to tell the readers and I about your book Hear These Truths and why you chose to write it?

A: Thank you for this opportunity to share my work with your readers, Bianca. Hear These Truths is my honest take on truthful leadership, inspired by my experiences after 12 years on active duty in the Air Force, and additional 6 with the US government as a civilian. I chose to write Hear These Truths because I wanted to not just share my knowledge and experiences with the world, but to give recognition to those who helped influence me in my career.

Q: You served all that time in the Air Force and worked with the Army and Space Force. What was your time serving in these branches of the military like?

A: In one word—rewarding. Of course, there were ups and downs, but worthwhile learning experiences from all 12 years. My favorite assignment was from 2009-2015, where I was a special duty instructor teaching alongside the Army at the Medical Logistics schoolhouse. I taught over 600 airmen and soldiers every year, and found a hidden passion in teaching, something I hope to do again one day. Working with the Army was eye-opening, and I realized the differences in the military branches weren’t as big as I thought they were. The Space Force was a highlight of my career, and I take great pride in being part of the newest military branch, as well as the first military branch to be established in over 70 years.

Q: If you are currently writing your next book now, is it another non-fiction book or are you trying your hand at fiction this time?

A: I’m trying my hand at fiction for my second book, but I have a concept for a follow up to my first non-fiction. For my fiction book, it follows my protagonist CIA operative Abigail Stevens as she uncovers the truth behind a failed experimental military program influenced and corrupted by Artificial Intelligence. When AI becomes too influential and the culprit behind a string of murders and suicides of former special operations members, Abigail goes on the run as the lone operative who can expose the political corruption behind the failed program called, Aurora High. But as the casualties pile up, members of Congress become desperate to keep the Aurora High program as a redacted line in the history books, and to never answer to the consequences of the program they irresponsibly approved.

Q: What lessons do you hope readers get out of reading Hear These Truths?

A: That your leadership is authentic, natural, and most importantly—honest. The truth behind honest leadership is being honest with oneself, as well as with those who you lead. Leadership isn’t a hollow word, and there’s no script to follow. However, with time, attention, and dedication, every person can find their recipe to success and their “leadership algorithm”.

Q: Your podcast Course Of Action features a very talented array of thriller and military authors. How did the show come to be, and what can listeners expect in the coming months?

A: I started Course of Action during the pandemic as a way to reach out and still communicate with people, and to have conversations with my fellow veterans who struggled to transition out of the military just like I did. What I didn’t know was that it would evolve into a community of people, especially thriller authors, who have military connections and passion for reading, writing, and telling excellent stories. The show has had mainly fiction authors, but I’ve sprinkled in non-fiction titles, business leaders, non- profit pioneers, and most importantly—veterans. In the coming months you can expect to see thriller masters like Brian Andrews and Jeff Wilson, Kyle Mills, Don Bentley, Eric Bishop and in the meantime you can catch up on episodes with Brad Thor, Wendy Walker, and TR Hendricks.

Your listeners can watch episodes of Couse of Action through my YouTube channel or by listening using their favorite podcast platform. And to learn more, they can visit my website or follow me on social media: FB / X / IG:


Hear These Truths is available on Amazon:

Q: Not really a question but thank you Jeff for your service to our country. It’s those like you who remind us there are still good people in this world.


A: Thank you! Pleasure is all mine!