
Q&A With Christine Milkovic Krauss

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Q&A With Christine Milkovic Krauss


To start off my Wednesday is a Q&A with Christine Milkovic Krauss, one of Mickey Mikkelson’s many clients. Christine is the author of the children’s books Teddy Loses His Ears, Teddy Loves Spaghetti, Teddy Gets Adopted & Teddy Visits The Vet. 


Q: I know it’s obvious Teddy is a cat and they are children’s books but would you like to tell me and the readers of the blog a little bit more about them and what made you want to write them?


A: Teddy is not only just a loveable character from a book, he is actually my real life rescue cat! All of these stories were inspired by him as they relate to true events that we have experienced throughout the fostering and adoption journey. 


I felt Teddy’s story could be impactful because some accidental injuries like his are completely preventable. I hope these stories connect deeply with future pet owners and they remember the lessons as they carry them in their hearts. The story about how “Teddy Loses His Ears” takes children on an emotional journey about visible disabilities, fitting in with peers and listening to each other with kindness. 


I’ve also had cats my whole life and never have I known one to love pasta! “Teddy Loves Spaghetti” uses humour to talk about nutrition for both pets and people, alternatives to food based rewards and flows as introduction to diabetes awareness. Observing signs and symptoms that your pet could be sick, and understanding what friends with diabetes could also be experiencing. 


“Teddy Gets Adopted” is the third book in the series and highlights Teddy’s journey across Canada to find his forever home here with us. Teddy was meant to just be a temporary foster, but discovered he was the perfect addition to our family. Teddy was officially adopted into our home on Easter Day 2021. I endeavored to time the release of this book for Easter 2023 to celebrate our 2 year adopt-a-versary! 


I hope this story lends to be relatable for children who have experienced the foster care system, as they connect with Teddy’s own feelings and emotions of loss, loneliness and never giving up hope. There is also a fun geographical component for kids as we document Teddy’s journey across Canada. The main goal of this story was to highlight shelters and rescue organizations and encourage children to think about ways that they could be helpers in their own community! 


All of the books have Teddy’s favorite toy hidden on every page for kids to find! For the really savvy child, book 3 even contains an ‘Easter egg’ clue about the much anticipated surprise ending that will be revealed in Book 4. “Teddy Visits the Vet.” 


I can’t reveal too much about this upcoming story as fans will be surprised and delighted, but it will also serve to educate children about health care processes, encourages asking questions, self-soothing techniques, inclusivity and love and support from family.


Q: When did you know that being an author was your calling? Growing up did you have encouragement from anyone on your writing talent?


A: I started thinking about writing in my twenties actually. I did a lot of travelling, for months at a time and I was email blogging my trips. All of my friends and family enjoyed the adventures I was sharing and commented on my writing style, which was encouraging and made me consider doing it. Never did I imagine writing children’s stories though! Teddy was the perfect inspiration, as well as my own children’s reactions to our experiences. Now that we were no longer able to help the rescues with fostering opportunities, I still wanted to find a way to help! Portions of the Teddy book sales are given directly to the organizations where I know 100% of the money benefits animal rescue efforts. 


Q: If you’re writing another book, is it about another of Teddy’s adventures, or is it a different story?


A: For now, my goal was to get “The Adventures of Teddy” series of four stories out to the world, as they were burning in my brain to be written. Releasing book 4; “Teddy Visits the Vet” will be my final short term goal achieved, coming later in 2023. 


Although I have many other Teddy stories in me from recent inspirations, I might take a short hiatus to focus on getting these books into book stores and do in person author signing events! 


As far as different stories completely, our family did recently obtained a new pet. I’ve dabbled in the idea of “The Slithering Adventures of Peanut the Python”, but right now it’s just a thought. I understand that a lot of people have a fear of snakes, but I’m learning so much about these incredible creatures, that maybe I could create a story that educates friends on this unusual pet and alleviate some of the fears surrounding their majesty and mystery! 



Thank you so much for this opportunity to share!


And follow Teddy at home on Facebook at The Adventures of Teddy.