
Q&A With Candace MacPhie

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Q&A With Candace MacPhie

Mickey was kind enough to connect me with author Candace MacPhie. Candace is the author of Finding Color, Life Strikes Back, Hello I Am Here, Beautifully Warped & Landing Place.

Q: Candace, would you like to give a brief description of each of your books and where the ideas for them come from?

A: These books are part of the five-part Back in a Year series. The story is a true account of my adventures of backpacking around the world in the 90’s after my mother’s death. I share this with the people who took a similar trip but didn’t write it down. For the people who didn’t have the opportunity to take this type of journey. For those who are looking for inspiration to take their own adventure. 

Out now:

Book One: Finding Color. Travels through Canada, Greece, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Russia. And this one has romance, self-discovery, and finding the courage to change your life all wrapped in funny travel stories. 

Book Two: Life Strikes Back. Travels through Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Croatia, and Hungary. This one digs into deeper topics of dealing with grief and assault. It’s also discovering new cultures, experiences, laughter, and friendship.

Coming next:

Book Three: Hello, I Am Here. Travels through the Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Jordan, Israel, and Egypt. This one has more romance, Oktoberfest, sailing in the Netherlands. Then travels through the Middle East. Ripe with experiences in unique places from Petra, the Dead Sea, to the pyramids in Cairo. All the crazy things that happen along the way.

Book Four: Beautifully Warped. Travels through Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe. This is an immersion in Africa and Overland Truck experience with international passengers and wild experiences. Featuring Masai Warriors, white water rafting the Zambezi, and life in tents on the open plains of Africa. Lots of interesting character interactions and romance.

Book Five: Landing Place. Travels through South Africa, Namibia, Australia, Canada, USA, and England. With more adventures traveling down the coast of South Africa and life in Sydney.

Q: What lessons do you hope readers learn after reading your books?

A: I aspire to give readers a fun escape to cry, cringe, and laugh in the life before smartphones in the late ’90s with a crazy Canadian girl. The series is one continuous adventure, but each book stands on its own and deals with different areas of personal growth and development as the hilarious and messy adventure goes down. 

Q: Are you currently writing your next novel right now? If so, can you reveal any details about it?

A: Yes, I’m working on book three: Hello, I Am Here. I’m writing about the dusty red desert of Wadi Rum in Jordan and tent camping with Bedouin hosts. Loads of cultural differences, food woes, and laughs.