Q&A With Benjamin Wallace
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Q&A With Benjamin Wallace
I recently finished a copy of Benjamin Wallace’s
new release The Mysterious Mr. Nakamoto: A Fifteen-Year Quest to Unmask
the Secret Genius Behind Crypto released today on March 18th!
Benjamin has also written the book The Billionaire’s Vinegar: The Mystery
of the World’s Most Expensive Bottle of Wine. Benjamin has been
a features writer at New York and a contributing editor to Vanity
Q: Benjamin, would you give a brief
description of both of your books starting with The Mysterious Mr.
A: Both books are works of narrative nonfiction,
illuminating a particular world through a page-turning true story. The
Mysterious Mr. Nakamoto is about one of the strangest mysteries of our
time: No one knows who invented Bitcoin. In the book, I attempt to crack this
mystery and figure out who is behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, why they
didn’t use their real name, why they walked away from the project in 2011, and
why they haven’t touched their $100+ billion Bitcoin fortune. The investigation
winds through some fascinating utopian subcultures of Silicon Valley, including
the cypherpunks (who believed cryptography was, as Homer Simpson said about
alcohol, both “the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems”) and the
extropians, who were interested in extreme life extension, including signing up
to be cryonically preserved when they die (or, as they’d say, are
The Billionaire’s Vinegar
is about another mystery: that of a single bottle of red wine, supposedly
discovered in a bricked-up Paris cellar in the mid-1980s, and sold at auction
for the then-record $156,000, to the Forbes family. The bottle was engraved
with Thomas Jefferson’s initials and was said to have belonged to him. From the
beginning, experts raised doubts about its authenticity, and the book tries to
get to the bottom of that question while telling the stories of a bunch of
fantastically eccentric people who intersected with the bottle and delving into
the pleasures and mystique of wine.
Q: For those who don’t know, would
you explain what bitcoin is & what interests you about bitcoin? Since you
were on a quest to unveil who Satoshi Nakamoto is & it was a fifteen-year
quest, did it take you that long to write The Mysterious Mr. Nakamoto?
A: Bitcoin isn’t easy to explain briefly, which
is one of the reasons I wanted to write a book about it, but I’ll give this a
shot: With the money most of us use, a government or central bank mints it,
controls its supply, backs its value, and polices counterfeiting. With Bitcoin,
a crowd of volunteers, or in computer terms a peer-to-peer network,
collectively manages a piece of software that controls the minting, the money
supply, and the authenticity, and the wider market has given it value by buying
it for higher and higher prices as it has become more popular.
What first got me interested in Bitcoin was a
serendipitous assignment from Wired magazine in 2011 to write about it.
Until then, I’d never heard of it. But several elements grabbed my attention.
The idea of a rogue parallel money system had a romantic allure that reminded
me of the fictional underground postal system in Thomas Pynchon’s novel The
Crying of Lot 49. The idea of money that somehow existed, and had value,
without having any connection to a bank or government, was mind-bending. And
the mystery of who had invented it—a person or group using a pseudonym had
launched this revolutionary invention into the world and then vanished without
a trace—enthralled me.
After I worked on the 2011 Wired piece,
Bitcoin and the mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto were never far from my mind, even
as I wrote about all sorts of other things for various magazines. Every few
years, I’d get an unsolicited email from someone claiming either to be Satoshi
or to know the identity of Satoshi. And every few years, a journalist or
hobbyist investigator would announce some new Satoshi candidate. In late 2021,
I received another of those emails (making the case that Elon Musk was the real
person behind the pseudonym), at a time when Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
were going mainstream. It got me really thinking about how incredible it was
after all this time, and even as Bitcoin had become a household word, no one
had cracked the mystery of its origins. A few months later, I quit my job and
started investigating the mystery full-time and drafting early chapters.
Q: What lessons do you hope readers
learn from both The Mysterious Mr. Nakamoto & The Billionaire’s
A: Both books aspire to take subjects—wine and
cryptocurrency—that can be intimidating and hard to get your head around, but
which are also intriguing and useful to understand, and make them accessible
and entertaining to a general reader.
Q: What will the topic of your next
nonfiction book be?
A: I welcome suggestions!
Q: Over the years do you still think
the suspects from years ago are still candidates for Satoshi Nakamoto? Or have
any new suspects popped into your head recently?
A: Some of the candidates who’ve been proposed
over the years are worthy contenders, and I consider each of them in depth in
the book. Newsweek ran a cover story in 2014 naming Satoshi a guy who
barely knew what Bitcoin was; that theory was quickly debunked, and nothing has
happened since then to put him back into serious consideration. I do name
several new candidates in the book and also spend some time on the theory that
Bitcoin was produced by an agency like the NSA.
Q: You’ve been a features writer at New
York & a contributing editor for Vanity Fair! That sounds so
impressive! What’s it like being a writer and contributing editor at Vanity
Fair & would you say that they helped with researching and writing your
A: I grew up seeing magazines as magical things.
As a kid, I had a subscription to National Geographic’s World, which was
the forerunner of Nat Geo Kids, and was excited whenever a new issue
arrived. When SPY came out in the late 1980s, I thought it was the best
thing ever. So, it was truly a dream fulfilled to get to write for editors and
alongside writers whose work I’d admired for so long, to write for these
legendary general-interest magazines about a vast range of topics (Guantanamo
Bay, Kim Kardashian, you name it), and to make a living doing it. These are
places where I got the editing and support and space to do deep reporting and
longform narrative writing, which can be both time-consuming and expensive. So
yes, magazines are where I learned to do in microcosms what books afford the
luxury of doing at greater length and depth.