
Q&A With Armand Rosamila

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Q&A With Armand Rosamila 

To start off this week I am doing a Q&A with one of Mickey Mikkelson’s many clients, Armand Rosamila. Armand writes in the crime thriller, horror, contemporary fiction and non-fiction genres. 

Q: So Armand why do you enjoy writing crime thrillers, horror, contemporary fiction and non-fiction? 

A: I love the variety of stories you can write in different genres. When it comes right down to it, the writer just needs to write a good story. That’s really the goal. Using certain tropes and ideas creates a specific genre or subgenre the reader will understand, but the bottom line for me is to create really good characters and let them loose in a specific genre and see what happens. For me it is like I’m a reader and I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen next. 

Q: When in your life did you realize that being an author was your calling in your life and that it was something you love to do?

A: I was twelve and I read my first Dean Koontz book. I wanted to be a writer from that moment, and I wrote a ton of really bad Koontz rip-off stories as a kid. I feel like I was very lucky to live in a time before the internet and immediate publication, so I got to write my first million words and learn how to actually write. They were all garbage, but they taught me so much. I had my first story published at 18 and I’ve been in this business for 35 years. The last 12 as a full-time author able to make a living at this, which is truly living the dream. 

Q: If you were to explore writing in other genres, which genres would they be and why? 

A: That’s a tough question, because I’ve written stories in most of them. I’ve ghost-written over a dozen books, so I’ve dabbled in romance and a few of the subgenres as well as westerns, science fiction, fantasy… I’m not sure if I’ve missed any spec fic genre at this point. I’ll write anything if it excites me enough. Again… it’s really about writing good characters. 

Q: Is it fair to say the characters and places in your horror, crime thrillers, & contemporary fiction books are taken from real places and people? 

A: Yes, there are quite a few real people and real places and real situations over the course of 35 years and over 200 releases. Inspiration comes from everywhere. Every conversation I have or hear, every person I meet. As a writer you never stop writing, adding ideas, conversations, scenes in your head to write down in the future. Ideas are everywhere but you need to focus them, shape them, and always be aware when they hit you. 

Thank you for the cool interview!

Armand Rosamilia