
Q&A With Anne Frasier

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Q&A With Anne Frasier 

Today’s Q&A is with New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of mystery, suspense, thriller, romantic suspense, paranormal and one memoir Anne Frasier. Anne also writes under the name Theresa Weir. Anne’s memoir was part of Oprah’s Magazine and her thrillers have been featured in Mystery Guild, Literary Guild & Book Of The Month. 

Q: Anne, did you always know that being an author was what you wanted to do with your life? Who were/are your biggest supporters of your writing goal and talent?

A:  Hello, and thanks for the interview! I grew up reading everything I could get my hands on, but I never considered writing a book until I was in my twenties. I would have to say my children (now adults), friends, booksellers, and other writers have encouraged and supported me throughout the years.

Q: Would you like to tell the readers of the blog and I a little bit about your upcoming release The Night I Died, and how the idea came about for the book?

A: This is a plot I’ve had in my head for maybe twenty years!  I wasn’t sure about the setting, but I’ve been doing a lot of driving across the US and have found Kansas particularly fascinating. 

A brief blurb: 

Accident or Munchausen by proxy?

Private detective Olivia Welles hasn’t been to her hometown since childhood, not since the night she died. She has no memory of the world before the car crash, or of coming back to life in the morgue.  But now, years later, when fellow survivor Bonnie Ray calls from a Kansas jail begging for help, Olivia feels the tug of a dark and unremembered past.

Q: You write mystery thrillers, suspense, romantic suspense, paranormal and one memoir? Are there any genres you enjoy writing more than others? 

A: Mysteries will probably always be my favorite.

Q: Where do your ideas for your books come from? Do you use bits and pieces of real people to create fictional worlds and people?

A: I tend to come up with the kind of character that will benefit the plot.

Q: How long does it typically take for you to write a book?

A: About six months.

Q: What advice would you give to aspiring authors on writing in all the genres that you do?

A: That it’s really better to stick with one genre and build your brand.  LOL. 

Q: What was it like writing a memoir and having it featured in Oprah’s Magazine? That sounds so impressive! 

A: It was definitely an interesting experience!

Q: Does Hollywood have the rights to your work? The entertainment industry needs new content again. 

A: I had a contract with Warner Bros for my Play Dead series, but that came crashing down when the pandemic hit. 

Q: If you are writing a new book, can you reveal any details or is it too early to talk about it yet?

A: Readers really want more of The Night I Died, so I’ve been working on a sequel. I can’t promise anything though, because the characters are tied up by a non-compete clause for now. 

Q: What is the process like when you sit down and plot, write, & edit your work?

A: With the first draft, I just tell myself a story. Then I start putting on various editing hats all the way through the proofread. 

Q: What is your advice for new writers on dealing with negative feedback whether its reviews and trolls online and/or family and friends who might not be that supportive?

A: It really does take strength and I think a basic belief in yourself and the story you are telling.