
Possible movie news about the book The Huntress

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Possible movie news for the book The Huntress

Hello fellow book nerds! This is your favorite book blogger Bianca. I hope everyone is holding up during the virus. I know many of us miss being able to go out, but hang in there. I have some very good news. Yesterday a Polish book trailer came out about Kate Quinn’s book the Huntress. Some of us commented on her trailer telling her that The Huntress would make a good film. She seemed to tease that there could be possible movie news.

After I commented saying that The Huntress would make a good movie Kate Quinn responded with “Fingered crossed.” I then asked if she was hinting someone in Hollywood was making a movie based on The Huntress. She responded that Hollywood has optioned the book but that might be a long way to go when/if it ends up on the screen. Even if casting and production hasn’t started yet, you have to admit that when a great book you read has been optioned, it’s still pretty exciting.

For anyone who hasn’t read The Huntress yet, check it out. Its about a dangerous female Nazi assassin called The Huntress. A reporter turned nazi hunter Ian, his friend Tony a Russian night bomber Nina are determined to bring The Huntress to  justice. Meanwhile in New York, Jordan McBride’s father remarries a German woman whose conveniently single and has a daughter of her own. Despite her pretty German stepmother being as sweet as pie, Jordan knows something isn’t quite right about her…. I enjoyed the book and most of the characters. Nina’s parts I wasn’t as interested and felt her parts could have been condensed but it was a good book none the less.

When I have more news about whether production starts and there’s casting involved I will give you guys an update.