Mademoiselle Eiffel

Mademoiselle Eiffel

Claire Eiffel is the clever and beautiful daughter of Gustave Eiffel. Claire has a life many would envy, an education that many girls in her class would only dream of. When Claire is fourteen, her mother passes away and she becomes the lady of the house as well as her father’s assistant. Claire proves herself and we see her slowly go from disliking Adolphe Salles to liking him and then having feelings for him. We see Claire’s reaction to Gustave creating the Eiffel Tower and him going through the fall out after the Panama Canal scandal & you’re taken to another time as well as France.


Writing, Time Period & Favorite Scene

Last month during the Paris Olympics I sped through reading Mademoiselle Eiffel after a week! Aimie K. Runyan is another author who makes historical fiction come to life. I feel as though I were in France with Claire and her father, husband and family. There was nothing I disliked about this book. You do learn some facts that aren’t well known, like many people don’t know that the Eiffel Tower wasn’t meant to be standing as long as it had it was only meant to be for twenty years. I kind of knew that part before reading the book. I also had no idea Gustave was apart of the Panama Canal or that they met Thomas Edison. You feel for Claire as it seems as though she’s given up so much for her family. While I loved the entire story, I loved her scene with her granddaughter Solange & Solange loving photography.




If you enjoy historical fiction especially historical fiction that takes place in France, get a copy of Mademoiselle Eiffel which is out today on September 10th!