Literary Characters I would have over for Dinner!
Literary Characters I would have over for Dinner!
Believe it or not, a GoodReads post about which literary characters I would invite over for a dinner party inspired this new post in the Miscellaneous Section of ! Since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, Christmas & Hanukkah are around the corner this was the perfect time to write this post! Though really, anytime to have a dinner party would be wonderful! Especially with our favorite fictional characters! Sit back, relax, think about your favorite characters, eat some delicious food, read wonderful books and have fun reading this!
My first guest for dinner would be Count Alexander Rostov from A Gentleman In Moscow! I picture him having a sip of white Spanish bola wine or red wine as we discuss everything from books, current events, life and everything and anything under the sun. I would ask him if he ever met the Romanovs since I’m into royal families and my love of Anastasia & the Romanovs came from the 1997 cartoon when I was 5 years old! If his girlfriend Anna Urbanova wasn’t in the picture, I would shoot my shot. At the same time, I am fine with being his friend.
My second dinner guest would be Amir from The Kite Runner. Amir and I have a lot in common whether it’s books and having people in our lives who are not supportive of our goals. I think we’d be like siblings. I would not serve him wine since his religion is against it. I feel as though like the count from A Gentleman in Moscow we would talk about everything and anything under the sun! The most important thing we’d talk about is the importance of standing up for ourselves. Sometimes it’s scary but it is worth it no matter how our voices shake.
My third dinner guest would be Takako from Days At The Morisaki Bookshop & More Days At The Morisaki Bookshop. Takako and I would have a great time talking about books, Japan and how it took us forever to realize that we are normal for being emotional & how unhealthy it is to hide our emotions. We hid our emotions because we were around people who would tell us not to cry or that we’d make others uncomfortable. Or we’d be scared to tell someone how we feel about them romantically. My grandparents told me that it’s normal to cry even after watching a movie, tv series & books, it means I’m alive and if I didn’t cry at those things they would think there was something wrong.
My fourth dinner guest would be Lyra Keres from the novel The Games Gods Play. I feel she’d be an entertaining guest. We would talk about the Greek Gods & Goddesses which ones are our favorites and least favorites & how her new beau Hades is doing. We would also celebrate her breaking the curse of being unloved by mortals.
My fifth dinner guest would be Loulie from The Stardust Thief. We would talk about her journeys with her jinn friend Qadir & Mazen, and I would offer to go with her and help her. I love adventure what can I say! If you haven’t read The Stardust Thief you definitely should if you enjoy stories with magic in them Here is the link to my review here!
My sixth dinner guest would be Mike Brink from The Puzzle Master & The Puzzle Box novels! Other than his gifts, he’s someone I’d want to spend time with. We would give each other confidence, I think.
Characters from classic stories I would have over would be Sir Lancelot & Prince Charming (or really any prince from any fairytale or any handsome knights would do 😉 )
While I would write more characters this would turn into a novel rather than a blog post, I think. Which fictional characters would you have over for dinner? Did my list meet your approval or encourage you to read the stories from whence they came?