How Not To Be Old (Even If You Are)

How Not To Be Old (Even If You Are)

I was given this book as a gift by Jill Or who I did a Q&A with back in May along with the first book in her Riley Ellison mystery series. How Not To Be Old (Even If You Are) is a humorous book about how us physically getting old we have no choice in & we do have choices for how we handle it.


Humor, Beautiful Artwork & Important Lessons

While I don’t agree with everything in the book, I do like the fact there is humor, beautiful artwork and important lessons. The artwork is done by Kate Wong & has exquisite, vibrant colors. One of my favorite passages is about How Not To Be Old On Social Media especially when it brings up people constantly posting politics no matter what side of the political aisle they are on or just ranting in general. I’ve seen a fair share of both young and old people post constant rants and I just think “grow up”. The section about planning everything in advance I agree with that. I’m a planner but spontaneity is so much fun. My grandfather must remind me “play it by ear”.  I also like how the book shows that both young and old people have their flaws & while the past had good things it had its fair share of awful things too. The end is a letter from the older generation to the new generation about extending grace, which I like as well.




If you need a humorous book about aging & generations trying to understand each other, I recommend this one. Thank you, Jill Orr, for this copy! I would love to do a Behind The Book Q&A discussing this one!