Books About Books

Books About Books

There is a quote and I forgot who said it, but it goes something like this, Non-Fiction tells us the truth with information, fiction tells us the truth with imagination. I honestly believe that quote to be true. In this new post in the miscellaneous section of the blog, I compiled a mini review list of books that are about books, and the power of storytelling and not only entertaining us but to change us too. Some of these books will invoke sadness and happiness and everything in between.


Book Lovers by Emily Henry

Book Lovers by Emily Henry is a rom com and from the obvious title about books. Nora Stephens life is books and the stories within them. Nora is a cutthroat literary agent who’s an advocate for her author clients and her younger sister Libby. Libby is the reason Nora goes on a vacation with her to Sunshine Falls, North Carolina for the entire month of August. Libby is hoping Nora finds a romance right out of a Hallmark movie. Instead of running into a small town guy who wears flannel, she runs into Editor Charlie Lastra from back in the city. Nora and Charlie have met a couple times in the past and it’s been anything but a romance or a friendship. As time goes on they realize things about each other and themselves. My favorite quote from the novel is, This I think, is what it is to dream and I finally understand why Mom could never give it up, why my authors can’t give it up, and I’m happy for them, because this wanting, it feels good, like a bruise you need to press on, a reminder that there are things in life so valuable that you must risk the pain of losing them for the joy of briefly having them. The quote is so powerful because it’s a reminder that if you really want a dream bad enough don’t give up. It’s given me more zeal to keep on blogging and perhaps one day writing a story of my own.


The Librarian Spy by Madeline Martin

I was lucky enough to do a Q&A with Madeline Martin and then a month later read The Librarian Spy by her. The Librarian Spy is a historical fiction novel that takes place during World War II and has two women who are main characters. Ava is an American librarian at The Library of Congress, and her job takes her to Portugal and Helene/Elaine working for the printing press run by the members of The Resistance. I like that this book is about books. I’d like to think that the message in this book is about how people underestimate libraries and their power. While this book specifically doesn’t talk about it, the Nazis tried to burn books during this period. Nevertheless no matter the danger this book about libraries teaches us the value of doing something right even when the rest of the world is going towards destruction.


No Two Persons by Erica Bauermeister

I was also very lucky to do a Q&A with Erica Bauermeister. What was really great was around this time netgalley sent me an early copy of her novel No Two Persons. No Two Persons is about the power of storytelling and how they impact us all each in different ways. There are many fascinating characters in this novel, but my favorite one would have to be Alice the author. Alice has talent but her stories are detached. Tragedy strikes and Alice gets to work on her debut novel which becomes a bestseller and not only that, that novel helps multiple people from a diver pushing himself to the brink, a bookseller looking for love, a teenager hiding the fact that she’s homeless and an artist angry at the world. It’s a reminder that while everyone reads the same book, we all have different opinions and learn different lessons from them and we see things that others may not see. No Two Persons is one of the best books of 2023. If you haven’t read it yet you need to right now and savor every sentence.


Once Upon A Wardrobe by Patti Callahan Henry

Once Upon a Wardrobe by Patti Callahan Henry is about College student Megs Devonshire whose a math and physics major at Oxford College who loves her younger brother George very much. George has cancer and isn’t expected to live for very long. George has recently read the story The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis and wants to know where Narnia came from. So each week Meg goes to visit C.S. Lewis and his brother Warren and asks that very question. Lewis doesn’t give her a straight answer but rather many answers based on his life and the many magical stories he grew up reading. This book made me emotional I was crying a few times many of them happy tears. If a novel or a movie can make you emotional, then it has done its job. If you love Narnia and the power of stories and how they change us I recommend this book. This story also reminds us that fiction does tell the truth in its own way, and a reminder that while there is pain, anguish and ugly things in this world, there is also beauty, joy and most importantly hope. It’s why I thank Patti Callahan Henry for bringing a beautiful light into this currently very dark world. Thank you for also doing a Q&A with me last year. I also thank CS Lewis for bringing Narnia into the world and most of all to every author who brings out a story in their heart and soul and letting it out into the world like a ship into the sea. 


The Keeper of Hidden Books by Madeline Martin

The Keeper of Hidden Books won’t be released until August 1st but I was so happy that it was available for me to read on Netgalley. I also wrote a review about it yesterday. The novel is about two best friends Zofia and Janina who have the most important thing in common, books! When the Nazis invade Poland though, not only do they want to destroy the Jewish people and their culture they wanted to destroy Polish people and their culture. The best way to destroy a culture is by banning and burning books. Zofia and Janina defied the Nazis by hiding books and having a book club reading all the stories Hitler wanted destroyed called The Bandit Book Club. This book is a reminder of about stories and their power to impact us and the importance of not letting history repeat itself and that no book should be banned. Thank you Madeline Martin for writing this important story, that today’s world needs right now.