
Book 3 In Fourth Wing series!

New Information about Upcoming Book Related News

Book 3 In Fourth Wing series!

I hope everyone has started their Thursday off on a good note! If your day is off to a bad start, I am going to remedy that with book related news! Rebecca Yarros the New York Times Bestselling author of many books especially The Fourth Wing & its sequel The Iron Flame, announced the title of the third book in the series and the release date! I found this out through GMA Book clubs Instagram stories. There was a link in the story where I was able to find out this bit of news!

 The sequel to The Fourth Wing & The Iron Flame will be titled Onyx Storm. While there is no cover image yet, we do know a release date. Onyx Storm will be released on January 21st, 2025! I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about these books. I plan on reading them sometime in the future. There are so many books and so little time to read them lol! I plan on giving The Fourth Wing a try because I am curious, and I would love to read Rebecca Yarro’s other works.  I also know a television series based on books will be happening at Amazon. If you’re a fan of The Fourth Wing books or are looking for a new series to read I hope this has you excited!