Believe A Memoir In Stories
Believe A Memoir In Stories
Christina was a sickly child that had spent her childhood years reading
and living within the fairytales she read, never dreaming that her own life
would take on the qualities of a true Cinderella Story. When Christina was twenty-five,
she met Jeffrey who was a Wall Street Titan. They were young and in love and
life became a whirlwind and they were rich. Jeffrey lived on his own terms. On
September 11th of 2000 Christina gets a call that changed her, and
her son’s lives forever. Christina’s story is about self-discovery, growth,
unconditional love, family a second chance at love with her current husband &
Prince Charming Harold, and the belief that everything, both good and bad,
happens for a reason.
Writing, Growth & Faith Intertwine
The writing was great, and I love how instead of the chapters being
titled Chapter 1 Chapter 2 etc, it was titled Story One and then the title of
that chapter. Christina’s memoir takes you on a journey. You are happy, sad and
feeling all the emotions as you read about Christina’s journey. Even though she
doesn’t believe in God in a traditional religious aspect like some of us do, I
do appreciate that she believes in a creator and calls him that & believes
everything happens for a reason and that we’re all on a journey. Sometimes we
don’t know why certain things happen until we are older and wiser. Yes, we make
certain choices we wish now we didn’t, & trusted the wrong people but if we
didn’t, how would we grow? How would we get to where we are now & in the
future? I like how Christina acknowledges that she made mistakes while at the
same time she knew if they didn’t happen, she wouldn’t have learned and grown. There’s
so much about this book to love but I don’t want to spoil the entire memoir.
Overall, if you enjoy memoirs, especially about belief, lifes ups and
downs and how we all grow from that and remembering everything happens for a
reason I recommend Believe A Memoir In Stories coming out on July 9th!
Thank you, Christina, for bringing us along on your amazing journey. I can’t
wait to post our Q&A and I hope to read more books from you in the future.