
Amor Towels New Story!

New Information about Upcoming Book Related News

Amor Towels New Story!   

I was a week late to finding out this bit of bookish news. I scrolled on Amor Towels instagram account after seeing he posted a picture of himself in Mexico. A previous post from the week of March 4th I found out he was writing a new novel. According to Towels, After a few years of planning, I started my new novel this week. The story begins in Cairo in 1940 and ends in New York City in 1999. Wish me luck. I wrote “Ooh I can’t wait!” Amor Towels liked my comment. I always love it when authors like our comments and respond to us. I know we don’t know much about the plot, the characters and the title yet, but the fact that it begins in Cairo Egypt and then ends in New York City and it’s the 20th Century sounds like it’s going to be another great one.  

 I enjoyed “A Gentlemen in Moscow,” and “The Lincoln Highway,” so much so of course I’m going to enjoy this upcoming new novel. I can already picture the Egyptian desert and the pyramids. Egypt is one of the many places I would love to see. When I find out more about Amor Towels new novel that he is working on I will update you all.