A Death In Diamonds was more a Death From Boredom
A Death In Diamonds was more a Death From Boredom
The year is 1957 England, Young Queen Elizabeth II is finding her way through being the Queen her subjects deserve and need. The Queen is advised by her father’s courtiers who she can’t help but feel doesn’t have her best interests at heart. One of them must be trying to sabotage her, which she feels sure of. Two bodies turn up in Chelsea, the Queen finds herself unwillingly apart of it somehow. The Queen enlists the help of codebreaker and Secretary Joan McGraw to help her unmask the killer before its too late.
Interesting Idea but Poor Execution
I knew some historic license would be taken because come on, we all know Queen Elizabeth II didn’t solve mysteries. I thought I knew this would be a fun historical mystery. Instead, I just didn’t love it. I read the three- & two-star reviews and felt “Phew! It wasn’t me then!” It had a lot of history that royal fans already knew. For those who don’t know or aren’t that interested in the royal past it’s going to be a slog for them too. The mystery when it was solved made sense! But it took forever to get there. A Death In Diamonds came out on January 21st and is available now.