
Q&A With Gerry Drake

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Q&A With Gerry Drake 

Mickey Mikkelson who is the publicist for New York Times Bestselling author Tosca Lee, has connected me with many authors these past few days. One of these many authors is Gerry Drake. Below is a bio explaining Gerry better than I could myself. 


Gerry is the award-winning author of Meth Murder & Amazon. He is a father of 5, Navy veteran, cybersecurity expert, and tattoo enthusiast that is reinventing the art of storytelling and writing wrongs along the way. Gerry’s original writing style has been compared to the likes of Hunter S. Thompson, Chuck Palahniuk and Lemony Snicket. His books are quirky and utterly unique, jam-packed with humor, suspense, and satire. Gerry grew up in the world of books working for his father’s book bindery business when he was just a child. Little did he know the literary universe had something more in store for his life.

G. S. Gerry’s creations offer an escape from life’s harsh realities by providing a hilarious perspective in turning lemons into lemonade. Constructing a world where the unbelievable seems made up and yet, oddly relatable. Gerry’s visionary approach towards life, laughter and entertainment bridges comedy and originality with memorable creations, leaving no stone unturned to help others laugh their way to a better today.


Q: So Gerry how did you transition from being in the Navy, a cyber-security expert and tattoo enthusiast to being an author? 



A: I actually never expected in my wildest dreams I would be an author, let alone an award-winning one. My work as a cyber-security expert requires extensive report writing. And an issue at work required me to completely rewrite a plagiarized report, growing from 450 pages to 700 pages. Afterwards, I felt like I had just written a novel and just decided, “that’s it, I’m going to write a book!”  And that is exactly what happened and has led me here. 



Q: Would it be fair to say that your experiences in the navy, being a tattoo enthusiast and cyber security expert inspires the stories you write? 



A: I would tend to agree.  My life in general is what inspires my writing.  I have not yet written a book about the Navy, but it is on the roadmap.  The title will be Never Again Voluntear Yourself.  Misspelling on purpose 🙂  I think all great books are based on some truths and I use my life experiences to shape the stories that I tell. 



Q:  What was it like working in your fathers book bindery business? I think jobs involving books are so cool. 


A: If I’m being honest, I hated it.  Working in a bindery business is very monotonous, and things break a lot.  Also, you work incredibly long hours in order to get the order finished.  We collated paper, put together spiral bound books, bound paperback books, and cut a ton of paper to completion.  I worked for my father since I was 12 years old and all I wanted to do was play sports and be outside.  I hated being cooped up inside while my friends would go play basketball and football.  But, it taught me a great work ethic and what it means to start and complete a job.  And it gave me a lot of extra time with my parents that kids sometimes aren’t afforded. 



Q: If you’re writing a book right now, can you reveal any details?



A: Absolutely!  I am working on my second book, titled “Hysterical Hangouts with The Hindlegs!”  It is an innovative concept in that it is going to be a reality show presented in literary form. 

Hysterical Hangouts with The Hindlegs follows a raucous cast of lovably deranged characters deep in the alligator infested swamps of Flawrida. They provide the audience unfiltered, backstage access to their hilarious and drama filled life. It has all the theatrics of a reality show with hidden cameras and unforgettable scenes, while told through the lens of the main character and reality show producer Viktor Sniperbone. 

Viktor Sniperbone is dating Mandi Hindleg, the daughter of Commodore Ateoff Hindleg, and Viktor is about to meet her parents. It’s a time-honored tradition. Find the girl of your dreams, fall in love, meet the family, and live happily ever after. However, Viktor Sniperbone has ulterior motives besides the lovey dovey, white picket fence aspirations. Viktor secretly records all of the Hindleg family antics and gets more than he ever bargained for…

Each chapter is an episode of preposterous adventures and unmatched calamity, with the viewing audience eagerly awaiting the next series of events.  The book plays on the worst stereotypes of a family dynamic, the startling reality of living near in-laws, and shows what happens when families stop being polite and start being real!