
Q&A With Trinity Wood

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Q&A With Trinity Wood 

I am delighted to be doing this Q&A with Trinity Wood. Trinity Wood is the author of romance books that take place in the magical land of New Zealand. Some of her books include Learning To Love, Yule Be Mine, Fast Track To Forever, & Vanilla Temptation. 

Q: Trinity, I am happy you are here on Book Notions! I enjoy reading romance & I know you enjoy writing romance! What drew you into writing in the romance genre? 

A: Hi Bianca, great to be here. I’ve been reading romance for several years now. I started with historical romance, and of course Nora Roberts. Then I thought I could write my own romance books with a twist. All my books are set in New Zealand, where I live.

Q: Would you like to give a brief description of each of your books?

A: I have two series and one standalone currently. My New Zealand Sailing series features Learning to Love, Hidden Deep, Making Waves (my freebie), and Yule Be Mine. Sexy cinnamon roll athletes meet their match in this sizzling series set against the backdrop of stunning New Zealand.

My New Zealand Shores series currently features Vanilla Temptation, a later-in-life multicultural romance with a Japanese rockstar and a female ferry captain. 

Fast Track to Forever is a standalone, where the MMC is a Formula 1 driver coming home to New Zealand for Christmas. 

I have three more books coming out this year: a rugby themed one, and two more in the Sailing series. 

Q: How long does it take you to write a novel? What lessons do you hope readers learn after reading your books? What emotions do you hope readers feel after they turn the last page?

A: The first one I ever wrote, Learning to Love, took me about a month. It just poured out of me. One that’s coming out this year took me four years! I don’t have set timings, though I should be more consistent, I know. I hope readers catch a glimpse of the real New Zealand and feel satisfied by the guaranteed HEA.

Q: If Hollywood were to get the rights to your work, who would be your dream cast to play the characters you created? 

A: This is a tough one, though I will say that each book gets a Pinterest board for inspiration.  For Spooning for Keeps, my novelette in the Just Add Love anthology, the MMC inspo was Chris Evans. 

Q: What is your advice for anyone wanting to write romance as you have? What is your advice for aspiring authors on how to deal with unsupportive family and friends, negative reviews, online trolls & self-doubt?

A: Someone once told me “You can’t edit a blank page”, and this is something to live (write) by. My second motto for this year is “written, not perfect”. So firstly, write it, pour your heart out, then worry about all the rest: editing, proofreading, covers. They are all necessary, but they can’t exist without the book being written first. I’d also suggest trying out participating in some anthologies and mini-series. That way you get to see what’s involved in the writing and publishing process firsthand. 

The second question is a tougher one again. Someone else once told me, “Find your readers”. That means that family and friends aren’t necessarily your readers. In this case, it means that their opinion should not stop you from writing. There will be someone out there who will absolutely devour everything you publish. Find them and focus on them!