Stay: A Story of Family, Love, & Other Traumas

Stay: A Story of Family, Love & Other Traumas

Stay is a memoir told through the eyes of the author Julie Fingersh as she discusses her life as a sister and then her life as a midlife parent. We go through ups and owns of her life and we see how the past intertwines with the present and Julie learns how to be their for others, without putting her entire life on hold.


Descriptive Writing & Favorite Scene & Favorite Passage

Julie’s writing is flowing and beautiful & I was surprised this was her first book to be honest. My favorite part to read was when Julie was in the Writing Retreat in Montana with Laura Munson. It was fun reading that part because I did a Q&A with Laura and then an Authors In The Media Q&A discussing her Writing Retreat. My favorite passage of Julie’s was this one:

We are entitled to our own lives. No matter what happens to those we love, we
are entitled. And we don’t have to be anything other than who we are.

When the people we love struggle, we can love them, and we can try our
best to help them. But we cannot save them. It is enough to learn how to save ourselves.

That passage spoke to me because I’ve learned these past few years that I can’t help or change those who don’t want help or who don’t see an issue with their actions. A peaceful morning last August I was overcome with a peaceful feeling out of nowhere as though Jesus was telling me, It’s not your job to fix people or solve their problems its my job. I also learned from the first part of the package that yes those we love suffer & the world suffers, but we can’t let it stop us from pursuing our dreams either.