Tao Te Ching

Tao Te Ching

Tao Te Ching is a book of Lao Tzu’s poetic wise sayings that flow like a river. Ursula K. Le Guin who sadly passed away in 2018 wrote this. This book was given to me as a birthday present back in April, by my friend Jake Adelstein and I’m glad he gave it to me.


Writing, Favorite Saying Of All

The writing is beautiful and Lao Tzu’s writings remind me a bit of fortune cookies I would open and try to decipher what their meanings are. This book is like a book of fortune cookies all rolled into one. Some sayings I agree with and others I’m not sure. I know it’s all up to interpretation. My favorite saying of all is Telling It True as it goes like this


True words aren’t charming

Charming words aren’t true

Good people aren’t contentious

Contentious people aren’t good

People who know aren’t learned

Learned people don’t know


Wise souls don’t hoard;

The more they do for others the more they have

The more they give the richer they are

The way of heaven profits without destroying

Doing without outdoing

Is the Way of the wise



This passage speaks to me as it tells us the truth isn’t always charming & what might be charming is sometimes a lie. So many of different faiths talk about this topic, one example is from my own Catholic faith Saint Augustine.  Saint Augustine even said People hate the truth for the sake of whatever it is that they love more than the truth. They love the truth when it shines warmly on them and hate it when it rebukes them. Good people aren’t contentious. Contentious means causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial. It’s true we all argue, but there are those looking to purposely cause contention. Wise souls share everything they learn with everyone to help them. I try to share wisdom I learn from what Jesus tells me in prayer or him using people, books and internet tell me. The truly rich people are not ones who are filled with greed and selfishness.





If you’re interested in reading wise sayings that flow poetically like a river then check it out. It’s also great for Ursula K. Le Guin fans. Thank you Jake Adelstien for the wonderful birthday gift.