Play Of Shadows

Play Of Shadows

Demelas Chademantaigne, grandson of the Greatcoats is fleeing from a legal duel, ends up being a part of a acting troupe. During a play one night, a ghostly voice ends up telling Demelas that the man everyone see’s as a hero is a traitor and brutal murderer. With the help of his friend Bareto, the beautiful assassin and the group of actors must do what is right.


Story Idea & Execution

The story idea kind of intrigued me. Its great for fans who enjoyed the previous Greatcoats series only this time Play Of Shadows is the start of a new series in that world. The story though didn’t grab me & I didn’t care about the characters. It feels as though this is more for a young adult audience which I’m no longer apart of. I also felt this story dragged on and the book could have been shorter. I found myself rereading parts that I already read thinking I missed something or I lost my spot in the PDF that was emailed to me.



If you’re a fan of the previous books in the Greatcoats world then you may enjoy this or you may be disappointed. It just wasn’t for me.